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6th March 1949. 
A nice day, after a cold clear night but no frost, while most of England (E & N.) under several inches of snow, we had first rain & then dry but quite mild.  A lovely sunny forenoon & no wind, so that my ♀︎ Salix cinerea in back garden covered with Honey Bees at 12 noon for the first time this year.  Afternoon dull with gently falling glass & breeze changing from SW to SE. in evening but no rain before bed-time.  In afternoon took 54 bus to Crumlin Cross & walked via Greenhills, & Tymon Castle, to Firhouse & so home by bus. 

7th to 13th March 1949.
Mainly cold with E. Wind, some slight snow skiffs, some rain, some sun, much cloud, but wind turned west on night of 11th with rain on night of 11th-12th, milder & much drizzle during forenoon of 12th;  milder & much drizzle during forenoon of the 12th;  much sun in afternoon.  Wind rising in evening & much rain from W. during night of 12th-13th.  Mild with strong W. wind & skiffs of rain on 13th forenoon.

Glenade, pink flowered Sax. oppositifolia (new plant, i.e part replanted!) in back garden flowered about 11th & all the large flowered Snowdon & Muckanaght plants flowered during week.  Carex stricta by motor house wall with shoots 6 to 9 inches in height.

14th-22nd March 1949. 
Uninteresting weather, mainly rather chilly, dull, with some wind & rain & an odd night's frost.  Planted one row of "May Queen" potatoes on 16th next motor house, on which day the flower spikes of Carex stricta were visible in clump against motor house wall.


13th March 1949. 

Spent morning sorting shells from sample of "Dark or Black soil, at 11m - 30 (5) " dug by Dr. Bersu from "Kelly's Cave" at Cong, Co. Mayo Galway? during last month.  The following shells & animal remains found in sample (3 or 4 lbs. weight) washed on 12th March by me:-

Arion sp. 1 granule
Hyalinia cellaria (about a dozen); crystallina (a few); fulva (4-5)
Pyramidula rotundata (a few); rupestris (1, looks recent).
Hygromia hispida (frequent).
Acanthinula aculeata (1 perfect shell).
Helix sp. (fragments size of nemoralis); Bersu reports aspersa which I much doubt! 
Pupa cylindracea (frequent).
Vertijo pusilla & pygmaea 1 perfect shell of each
Clausilia bidentala (2)
Pisidium sp. (1 right valve of young shell, either personatum or casertanum & I think the former).
Field Mouse? (Apodemus sylvaticus), humerus & fragment of pelvis!

Sent report to Prof. Bersu 13.3.49! A.W.S.

Transcription Notes:
Dr Gerard Bersu