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27.3.49, cont.  Royal Canal, KD., cont.

Marcus Graham beat only one hymenopteron, namely, a ♀︎ Anteon sp?, from a small beech bush in hedge covered with dead leaves.  About 4 o'clock heard one, & possibly two, chiffchaffs singing S. of canal & railway, from the direction of some trees.

Considerable growth for time of year & plenty to sweep had it not been for briars, & the clippings of the thorn hedge, which latter the brutes had dumped into the canal & made sweeping along its bank impossible. 

28-29-30th March 1949. 
Dry with very cold E. breeze; foggy & dull on 28-29; mainly sunny on 30th.  Saw ♀︎ Bombus terrestris in back garden on 30th.

31st March & 1st April 1949. 
Dry, cold, east wind continued but glass falling steadily.

2nd April. 
Rain from about 9 A.M. & increased from a drizzle to heavy rain;  cleared in early afternoon, with some odd showers, wind S.W.;  temperature much higher in afternoon.

3rd April (Sunday). 
Very mild, with strong S.W. wind & drizzle from 9 AM. (Summer time started today!);  much drizzle while sun shone all forenoon, then fine till 4 P.M., when wind dropped & drizzle started;  later severe gale from SW. & renewed fall in glass, with heavy showers.


3.4.49, cont. 

In afternoon drove, with Daisy & Marcus Graham to Saggart & up old road & W. side.  Left car at head of old coach road up the Slade & spent about an hour in the shelter of the Slade, tried sweeping, but vegetation at this height ca. 600 ft., very short & many cattle there now;  hence got only 5 hymenoptera, as follows:-

Stenomacrus ventralis 1♀︎, ant. 23.
Aspilota (Synaldis) ♀︎, ant. 17.
Monoctonus Caricis 1♂︎, 1♀︎, ant. 16 & 13.
Aphidius ♂︎, ant. 17.

Marcus Graham reported seeing a Small White Butterfly on his way from T.C.D. about 2.30 P.M. & at 5.30 P.M. I saw a Bombus terrestris ♀︎ on Flowering Currant in back garden, 14 Clareville Rd., where earlier in day I had discovered that one of the frogs (imported on 1947) had spawned in the "7x1" deep circular enamelled dish under the drip from motor-house roof, in which I had been trying to grow Callitriche from L. Duff, Brandon Mt., SK.

Heard several Chiffchaffs above where left car in Slade of Saggart.

Carex stricta with anthers showing next motor house.