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24th April 1949. 

After a fine day & fine night a depression arrived about 11 AM. with drizzle & SW. wind for several hours thus wetting everything: cleared about 3 P.M. & then at 7.45 a heavy downpour.

Left home in car about 10.40 AM. (Daisy, Marcus Graham & I & then to The Deputies Pass, Co. Wicklow, where steady drizzle & everything soaking.  After lunch walked NE. up old lane at S. end of the pass, past ruined houses with laurels & collected with sucker such insects as were hiding under the laurel leaves.

Later drove back to railway bridge at Drumdangan & turned N. up byroad half a mile to get a plant of the scented Viola palustris to send R.D. Meikle.  By this time rain cleared off & we tried sweeping young birch &c. for an hour with some success.  Had tea at 4.15 & then drove home via Glenealy & Ballylusk to Ashford & so home by main road at 6 P.M. exactly.

Insects taken in lane under laurel leaves at S. end of The Deputy's Pass, Co. WI. = (1) 24.4.49 
[25 mtd. & labelled 27.4.49.]

Picrostigeus 2♀︎♀︎, ant. both 29.
Stenomacrus 4 = S. ridibundus 2♂︎♂︎ (ant. 21 & 24), & 2♀︎♀︎ (ant. both 23)


24.4.49, cont.  Deputy's Pass, Co. WI., cont.

Campoplegids 3 = 2♂︎♂︎, with areolet, Angitia??, ant. 29 & 32 = 1♂︎, no areolet, Nemeritis?, ant. 33 = 
Plectiscid? ♂︎, ant. 18, no areolet!  Looks like a black Helictes but no antennal segment emarginate so far as I can see!
Colastes braconius  1 small ♀︎.
Apanteles cf. glomeratus ♂︎? very clear wings & dark stigma, &c.
Rogas sp.? ♂︎, ant. 39;  tergite 1 & 2 too stout for circumscriptus.
Blacus trivialis 4♂︎♂︎, ant. all 19.
B. humilis?  large ♂︎, ant 20, neuration distinct.
Eubadizon extensor ♀︎, ant. 43.
Aspilota nigrescens ♂︎, ant. 22.
Dacnusa laevipectus 1♂︎, 1♀︎: not mtd.
Proctos 4: all mtd.
Chalcids 14: none mtd.
Neuroptoron: small, whitish sp. Conwentzia psociformis fide Graham.
Diptera 3: none mtd.