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26.4.49, cont. Phoenix Park, DU., cont.

Taken at 1 or 2, cont.

Aspilota spp. 3♂︎♂︎ 1♀︎
Dacnusa laevipectus, maculipes, aphanta (1♂︎), gilvipes (1♀︎).
Chaenusa conjungens?  large ♀︎, dark stigma taken by Graham.
Monoctonus caricis ♂︎♂︎ & ♀︎♀︎ common
Ephedrus plagiator ♂︎ (Graham). 
Trioxys sp. ♂︎, ant. 30
Aphidius spp. abundant, especially ♂︎♂︎, the following only mounted  
= A. n. sp.? ♀︎, ant. 14 - stout, no trans cubital, ant. yellow at base pronotum & part pleura & tergite 1 testaceous, &c.
A. sp. ♀︎, ant. 16.
Proctos.  A few: none mtd.
Chalcids frequent:  one minute, greenish, speciman taken at 2 (by accident found in sucker!) = 
Bumble Bee:  I believe I saw a ☿ B. lucorum at 1

28th April 1949.

The two Swifts again seen at 8 AM. over Westfield Road & our back garden & still there at 9.15 AM.

Father Kennedy writes me that Major R.F. Ruttledge reports having seen 10 Swifts at L. Ballyvary, near Foxford, Co. Mayo on 20th April & Daisy now tells me she saw 5 or 6 Swifts at Drumdangan, WI., on Sunday, 24th, while Graham & I were collecting insects in the wood!

27th-30th April 1949.

Cold, with much sun & some clouds, no rain.  On 30th much hot sun bursts & as I was in back garden for most of the day I saw the following insects:-

Speckled Wood Butterfly (first seen on Aft. of 29th!);
Bombus terrestris.  a beautiful fresh ♀︎;
B. lucorum ♀︎.
B. lapidarius  a fresh ♀︎ first seen on Laburnum flowers & then moved to Black Currant flowers
B. jonellus  a lovely fresh ☿ (worker) on Mediterranean Heath
Two Coleoptera = 

Aphidius matricariae Hal.?  ♂︎♂︎ & ♀︎♀︎ (ant. 16-17 & 14 respectively) emerged from Aphides on Senecio vulgaris in garden.

1st May 1949.

A fine day, but quite dull, after a slight drizzle in early morning.  Left home in car at about 10.30 & drove via Naas to Dunlavin, then on to George's Bridge, R. Slaney;  at 3.15 drove on E. to Knockaderry Cross Roads, where left car & walked south for 1 mile & then ascended Spinans Hill, where had aft. tea.  Left for home at 5.30 & home at 6.45.  Stopped on outward journey to collect amongst birch scrub on site of cut down plantation = Dunstown Wood, 2 miles N. of Harristown bridge over R. Liffey (= 1);  then drove on to George's Bridge where had lunch & afterwards collected for over an hour on left bank of Slaney 1/8 mile above bridge in "wuzzy" (= 2).