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1∙7∙49, cont.  The Trosks, L. Fine, &c., cont.

& came back to Carnlough by lane which comes down to the old road near the little church 1 1/2 miles N. of the village. Back at hotel at 5.35 exactly. 

On bush of Salix repens at NW base of Big Trosk caught a ♂ Banchus volutatorius with my hand.

Two Painted Lady Butterflies seen on way out in morning, one where lane crosses chalk quarry in exactly same spot as the two seen on evening of 28th June; & another on S. face of Little Trosk at ca. 900 ft alt.

2nd July 1949. Another perfect day but wind more South & much softer, though more cloudy & therefore not so hot except in sun & shelter.

In forenoon did nothing but walk 1 1/2 miles N. along coast & back. In afternoon spent two hours in Carnlough Glen, below the waterfall, looking for plants & especially for Adams's missing Hordeum sylvaticum. Found the glen full of Sweet Cicely (Myrrhis odorata), as well as the Ulmus montana reported in 1920, also Salix caprea, Holly, but no oak, worked up bed of stream


2∙7∙49, cont Carnlough Glen, AN., cont

now almost dry & eventually came to the west rock (cliff almost) on the right bank of the river "just below the fall" or as I roughly reckoned it about 50-70 yards; here was a considerable quantity of Festuca sylvatica (reported by Praeger in 1920) & had almost given up hope of the Barley when I espied a single flower stem of it protruding from brambles & other plants in a sloping part of the right bank almost 10-12 ft above river level, this flower spike I took but left the plants, of course; nearby were  some grasses with the same large leaves & no flower spikes, but these appeared to me to be most probably Festuca sylvatica rather than the Barley. Saw one bush of Birdcherry (Prunus Padus) just below fall on right bank. Here also the moss flora & Hepatica seemed very numerous though in need of rain. On way past chalk quarry at 3 PM saw one Painted Lady Butterfly, i.e. about 1/4 mile S. of the one seen on morning of 1st. In the glen took 1 ♀ - ant.35. ick = Phytodiatus coryphaeus (= gelitorius Thunb.)

Transcription Notes:
♀☿ ant. and 35 Thunb. - for Thunberg, a Swedish naturalist who researched and discovered several plants.