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11 June 1950. 

A very fine day, like all those during last week!  Very hot sun, with strong cool E.N.E. wind.  Drove to Killoughter, on The Murrough, Co. WI.;  arriving there at 11 AM. & left for home at 5.0 P.M. & home at 6 0. 

Very few insects on the beach, but plenty in the reed beds at Grange Lane, 1 mile N. of the old Killoughter railway station.  Filled two suckers, the first (1) from the beach & sand-flat outside the railway from Killoughter to Grange lane; & (2) in the marsh & reed-beds S. of Grange lane.

The Murrough, N. of Killoughter, for one mile, Co. WI. = (1) 11.6.50 (outside railway: beach)  
[1 labelled 25.10.1951. 24 labelled 22.11.1960.] 

Sphex lutaria
Pompilus plumbeus
Ceropales maculatus
Bombus muscorum  1 worn ♀︎ seen
B. lapidarius  1♀︎ seen
Orthoptera sp.  1♂︎, 2♀︎♀︎ ? parasitic on Rhodites on Rosa spinosissima.  2♂︎, ant. 20, 1♀︎, ant. 17, 2♀︎, ant. 18, mtd.
Exolytus? or Atractodes?  ♂︎, ant. 24 = 
Canidia sp.  ♂︎♂︎ & ♀︎♀︎:  2♀︎♀︎, ant. 19 & 20.


11.6.50, cont.  Killoughter, The Murrough, WI., cont.

Taken at 1, cont.

Mesochorus sp.  2♂︎♂︎, ant. 24 & 28.
Bracon cf. exilis miki  ♀︎, ant. 24, but antennae seem a bit short?
Ascogaster instabilis  ♂︎, ant. 33.
Apanteles cf. placidus?  ♂︎, white wings.
Opius sp.  Runs to albipalpis m.  1 minute ♀︎;  ant. 23:  but ant. black at base, &c.
Alysia manducator  ♂︎: not mtd.
Aspilota rubripes miki  1 minute ♀︎, ant. 15.
Dacnusa vitripennis m.  1♂︎, ant. 31.
Trioxys? sp.  1♂︎, ant. 13, dark legs.
Aphidius cf. ervi  ♂︎, large, ant. 23.
A. cf. arundinis  ♂︎, small, ant. 15.
Cynipids  2 = Rhodytes?  1 mtd.
Chalcids abundant (15 in sucker!):  4 mtd. = 
Proctos 2 = Proctotrupes gravidator  small ♂︎, only mtd.
Diptera:  some Tachinids taken on edge Daisy for Dr. C.D. Day of Dorchester.  These included 4 exx. of a black species - Perichaeta unicolor Fall. - fide Day in lett. 17.6.50 - which he says is a coastal species & rare in England except in S.W. (Dorset (1), Cornwall (frequent), &c.)