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2.7.50, cont.  Coan, Glen of Imaal, WI. cont.
Taken at 1.  By the Little Slaney, Ca.  1000 ft. alt. 12 noon - 1.0 P.M.
[29 mtd. & these labelled 25.12.1960.] 

Crabro palmipes ♂︎ taken: seen in hundreds during sun burst on alder, &.c possibly also included C. varius.
Rhogogaster viridis ♂︎♂︎ on alder.
Tenthredo coquebertia 2♂︎♂︎.
Dryinid ♂︎ = 
Cryptinids 2, including Pezomachus fasciatus? ♀︎, ant. 20: small.

Glypta ceratites ♀︎: not mtd.
Zootrephus suspiciosus  red ♀︎: not mtd.
Cteniscus 1 ant. 31.
Alexeter cf. fallax? ♀︎, ant. 47.
Hadrodactylus cf. typhae? ♀︎, ant. 45.
Campoplegids 5, mostly Meloboris sp. black coxae: none mtd.

Bracon fulvipes 1♂︎, 1 very red ♀︎;  ant. 40(♂︎) & 36(♀︎).
Onocophanes minutus ♀︎, ant. 22.
Apanteles fulvipes group 2 ♂︎♂︎: not mtd.
Euphorus cf. pallipes  1(♀︎?), ant. 23.
E. sp. near last, but smaller & frons smooth & polished.
Proctos 2:  1 mtd. = 
Also 2 other Diptera =
9 Tachinids:  black wings:  It was intended to send these to Dr. Day, but I never sent them! AWS.
Coccinellid  1


Coan, WI., cont.

2.7.50.  Taken by M.W.R. de V. Graham at 1 & 2 - mostly at 2! (not separated!)

Dryinids 2♂︎♂︎.
Phaeogenines. 2♀︎♀︎.
Cryptines 2♂︎♂︎.
Glypta elongata 1 very red ♂︎.     
Stenomacrus laricis 2♀︎♀︎ & S. sp.? 1♂︎.
Cteniscus ♂︎.
Campoplegids  1♂︎, 2♀︎♀︎.
Bracon tornator? large ♀︎, ant. broken!  Apanteles sp. ♂︎, black.
Sigalphus cf. pallipes  3♀︎♀︎.
Euphorus pallipes? 1.       
E.  1, small sp.
Diospilus capito  2♀︎♀︎.
Opius  2♀︎♀︎ = 
Aspilota cf. nigrescens ♂︎, small, very black legs.
Dacnusa diremta & areolaris 1 each.
Trioxys centaureae 1♀︎, large & dark.

Taken at 2 (by AWS.)  Birch plantation, Coan.  2.0 till 3.20 P.M. 
[22 mtd. & these labelled 26.12.60.]

Dryinid  ♂︎: not mtd.
Eriocampa ovata  ♀︎ on alder
Tenthredopsis  ♂︎, very red abdomen! = T. nassata?

Transcription Notes:
♂︎♀︎ Changed "ant." to "amt." 2) Changed back!!!! "ant." is an abbreviation for antennae - he is measuring the number of segments of the antennae, not the "amt". Also, there is no need to denote [[underlined]] or *[[]] inserted text. If you are going to correct someone's work then read the instructions & get it right!