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20.7.50, cont.  Portrane, Co. DU., cont.

Dacnusa pubescens & areolaris  1♂︎ each: not mtd.
D. misella 4: 2♂︎♂︎ (ant. 21 & 24); 2♀︎♀︎ (ant. 20 & 22).
Coelinius viduus  ♂︎: not mtd.
Ephedrus lacertosus [[strikethrough]] very large [[/strikethrough]] ♀︎; ant. 11.
Aphidius crepidis  3♀︎♀︎, testaceous, ant. all 13.
Aphidius spp. (avenae, &c.) 10:  1 only mtd. =
Procto.  1  Galesus sp. } none mtd.
Chalcids  9 } none mtd.
Cynipids  2 } none mtd.
Hemerobius = Micromus paganus? fide Graham!
Sawfly:  Selandria stramineipes  ♂︎ (= padi L.)
Weevil =

21st July 1950. 

A fine day spoiled by heavy showers & very strong SE. wind along coast.

Left home in car (George, Daisy and I) at 10.40 and drove to Greystones where picked up John & Ana Palmer & then on to Buckroney dunes S. of Mizen Head, Co. WI. Ran into & through several showers on way & arrived


21.7.50, cont. Buckroney, WI., cont.

at Buckroney just as wind came in from SE. & formed a jam with torrential rain for 20 minutes.  Later cleared & fine hot sun, but wind so strong that collecting almost useless & around the lagoon, where I particularly wanted to collect, only 2 Dacnusids & a few Ichs taken in half an hour's sweeping.  Wind went back to SW. at 4 PM. when a slight jam formed & some drizzle ended collecting. 

Left Buckroney about 4.45, dropped the Palmers at Greystones & home at 6.30.

Collected by sweeping around lagoon & from mouth of outlet to Mizen Head.  Saw Scutellaria galericulata in flower (on edge) at NW. corner of lagoon & "an acre" of Scilla verna in seed on sward above rocks at S. side of Mizen Head. 

[19 labelled 1.9.50!  10 labelled 2.9.50! 4 labelled 29.10.51; most put away 3/1954.]

Buckroney dunes, Co. WI.

Colletes picistigma  worn ♂︎♂︎, 1 very fresh ♀︎ on spurge
Crabro wesmaeli frequent.
Ceropales maculatus swept.
Psammochares gibbus  ♀︎
Psithyrus distinctus  ♂︎ seen