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10.8.50, cont.  Woodend, WI., cont.

Taken at 2, cont.

Dacnusa areolaris group ca 24, mostly maenlipes? None mtd.
D. aphanta 4 small ♂♂, 1 mtd., ant. 25
D. lateralis ♀, ant. 38. D. uma 3 ♂♂, ant. all 37. D. credne {♂, ant. 30+
[[female]], ant. 33.
D. talaris  , ant. 31. D. dremta  , ant. 26, very red abdomen.
D. leptogaster Hal.  , ant. 29. D.  sp.? minute  , 

13th Aug 1950 A fine day, mainly cloudy, with SW breeze. Left home about 10.30 A.M. (Marcus Graham, Daisy & I) & drove to Mountmellick canal 1 1/2 miles S of Portarlington & 1/2 mile N. of Woodbrook. On return journey collected by canal at Wheelahan's Bridge between Portarlington & Monastevan as on 6th. All Queen's County!

1 = Along tow-path of Mountmellick canal, 1/2 mile N. of Woodbrook. 12 noon - 1 P.M.
2 = ditto but nearer Woodbrook bridge over canal - 3 till 3.30 P.M.
3 = In scrub N. of road from Woodbrook back gate to canal. 3.30-4.0 P.M.
4 = S. side of canal just E. of Wheelahan's Bridge. 5.15 to 5.45 P.M.

Between 1 & 2 spent some time in sand-pit near Woodbrook looking for Andrena marginata & Nomada argentata for Graham, but only   of the Andrena seen!

Insects taken at 1. Mountmellick Canal. Noon til 1 P.M. 

Transcription Notes: