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13.8.50, cont  Woodbrook dt., QC., cont

Taken at 1, cont.

Chorinaeus funebris ♀️, ant. 30. Tryphon elongator ♂ & ♀: not mtd.

Promethes cognatus 2♂️♂️, 1♀️ & P. pulchellus ♂️: none mtd.

Homocidus pectoratorius, small ♀️: mtd. on its back! ant. 20.

Bassus annulatus ♀️; ant. 18: [[?]] fallax ♂️, ant, 46.

[[?]] 3♂️♂️, 1♀️, long tail = 1♂️ & 1♀️ mounted: ant. ♂️ 32: ant. ♀️ bitten off short!

Bracon erraticus W. ♀️, ant. 27.
B. cf. centaureae-nigrae 2♀️♀️, ant. 25 (both): pale dots on tergite 2 ([[?]] guttiger).
B. cf. large erratcuis or exarator M. 2♀️♀️, ant. 30 & 31.

Sigalphus cf. caudatus? 2♂️♂️: not mtd. Macrocentrus marginator ♀️, ant. 46.

Acaelius subfaciatus 1 : not mtd.

Diospilus capito 2♂️♂️, 1♀️: 1♂️, 1♀️ mtd., ant. 24 & 23.

Pentapleura pumilio 1 small ♀️, black legs: not mtd.

Alysia manducator 2♂️♂️ swept from Salix; also 1 by Graham, 1 from [[?]] bush, not mtd.

Dacnusa pubescens & areolaris 1♂ each; neither mtd.
D. cf. fallax ? ♂️, ant. 33.

Monoctonus nervosa ♂️ not mtd.: Praon sp. 2 : not mtd.

Aphidius ♂️: not mtd.

Proctos 5 : none mtd.

Nematine sawfly (? off Salix) = Pteronidea melanocephala L. ♀️ (1st Irish record I think! A.W.S. 9.2.1954.)

[[?]] pallipes ♀️.


13.8.50, cont.  Woodbrook dt, QC., cont

Taken at 2. Canal - 3.0-3.30 P.M. [12 mounted from 2 & these labelled 5.2.1954.]

Glyphicnemis clypealis Th.

Transcription Notes: