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Sept. 1950, cont.

[[caption]] Rev. H.B. Herrington, Keen, Ontario, Canada. [[/caption]]

in my care I did not give him, namely that belonging to my old friend & teacher the late Robt. J. Welch of Belfast which I was working at when Welch died & which must be sent to join the rest of his collection in Belfast Museum; and secondly the small collection from Lake Windermere, Cumberland, made by Dr. Carmel Humphries of University College, Dublin, when working at Wray Castle some few years ago. This I will return to Dr. Humphries.

On 16th Sept. I was able to drive car to North Wall to meet Mr. Herrington & on the afternoon of 21st I drove him to the King's River valley to see what a small Irish hill-farm was like & where he took some photos around Ballyknockan & talked to the people.


12th Sept. 1950

Clistopyga sauberi ♀︎ taken on concrete wall of motor house in garden 14 Clareville Rd., Harold's Cross, DU.;  as if hunting for prey!

23rd Sept. 1950.

Phaenocarpa ruficeps ♂︎ taken sitting on plant in back garden after much bad weather, gales, rain, &c.  Did not move for several minutes while I went into house & came out again with sucker to capture it.  Perhaps it was freshly emerged from pupa!

October 1950. Poor weather - wet, windy & often cold - continued until 15th Oct. when a fine warm spell & with much hot sun set in. 18th & 19th were both perfect days with intense hot sun nearly all day & soft balmy W. breeze, except on afternoon of 19th when for a time W. went east & cool. On 18th saw a Silver Y Moth (P. gamma) flying over brambles by roadside near Balrothery between Templeogue & Tallaght, Co. DU. at 3 P.M. in hot sun. During this period 1st to 19th Oct. ♂︎♂︎ & ☿☿ wasps very plentiful everywhere about Clareville Road, Kenilworth Square, &c., and in Ivy blossom elsewhere. Probably mainly V. vulgaris but species not noted & possibly some V. germanica.