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Oct. 1950 

Nothing to report:  much rain:  some fine days:  alternately cool & warm:  very hot sunny days near end of month.  Did not get about much as ankle still bothers me.

2nd Nov. 1950. 

Petasites fragrans with several flower spikes well out along old steam-train track just SW. of Templeogue Bridge, Co. DU. A.W.S. & M.D.S.  Must have been out for at least a week!  Wasps still plentiful on ivy blossom & a ♂︎ V. germanica taken in house on 30th Oct.  For the last month ♂︎♂︎ (? species) have been abundant on fine days flying about trees in gardens & along hedge in Clareville Rd. & Kenilworth Square.

Marcus Graham spent night of 31st Oct with us & left for England by mail boat on evening of 1st Nov.  He had just obtained first place in his final exam. ("Mod.") at T.C.D. & goes to Oxford as Asst. Curator of Entomology in Hope Museum there

3rd Nov. 50. 

On this night or early on 4th a real white frost & nearly so on several previous nights


7th Nov 1950. 

A nice sunny day!  In afternoon walked to Dodder Pond & then drove to Dartry & home by Orwell Park, &c.  On left escarpment of Dodder & about 10 yards below new footbridge into park found a wasps' nest in full working order on bank above the river path. I think from orange colour & pattern V. germanica!  The wasps were very active although about 3 P.M. & the day clouding over & temperature falling.  Watched nest for a few minutes & saw wasps after arriving home in batches of 5 to 6, but seldom more than single wasps leaving at any moment.

15th Nov. 1950. 

On west side of road from The Poddle to Willington House found a wasps' nest in full blast about 3 P.M.  I think Vespa vulgaris!

22nd Nov. 1950. 

In spite of 12 hours very heavy & cold rain which only stopped about 1 P.M. & no sun, but cold N. breeze, yet at 3 P.M. the wasps' nest near Willington House still very busy & wasps entering in threes & fours 

23rd Nov. 1950. 

A lovely, cold, forenoon, all sunny till 1 P.M. then cloudy till 2.30, then again ± sunny.  At 3.30 PM no sign of wasps at the nest by the Dodder in Dodder Park, reported on 7th Nov. above?