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15th Jan 1951. 

Walked (alone) from 54 bus via Green Hills, Tymon Castle, Firhouse, back to Templeogue.  By stream N. of Tymon Castle found the early Hazel bush in hedge with ♀︎♀︎ flowers already showing & ♂︎ catkins just ready to release pollen, but had not yet done so.  A very sunny day, with cool NW-W wind.  A yellow nose just showing on a crocus in front garden.

18th Jan. 1951. 

After sevral mild days (almost hot on 16th!) the flowers in Daphne Laureola at front door now open.  Saw several flowers on a Forsythia bush in Rathgar but these only freakish;  & one such bush seen by Daisy long before Christmas in same area. 

22nd Jan. 1951. 

First flowers open on Ellis's Laurustinus bush in Clareville Rd.  A lovely dry sunny day & 4 Snowdrops now out under drawing room window.

23rd Jan. 1951 (Tuesday). 

Went to Belfast by 11.0 AM. train for Irish Naturalists' Journal Annual Meeting & returned by 6.0 P.M. ex Belfast.  The morning train was one of the new Diesel trains with three coaches: it did the 110 mile journey non-stop in 2 hours 15 minutes, as timed, & was very steady & comfortable.


24th Jan. 1951. 

Still mild, mainly dull, after a day of drizzle on 23rd (fine in Belfast on 23rd!)  In afternoon went to Templeogue by 49 bus & walked to Balrothery, across footbridge to Firhouse & back to Templeogue, in afternoon.  Saw 2 flowers on Coltsfoot in ditch at S. side of cottage in angle of main road to Tallaght & road to Willington House.  Many birds singing - Mistle & Song Thrushes, Robins, Tits, &c. 

29th Jan. 1951. 

Crocus (yellow) in flower in Kenilworth Square North (facing S.!) on 27th.  Yellow Saxifrage (S. apiculata) in west border, front garden, with several buds burst & leaves of Anemone appenina now well up.  After 3 nights hard frost & sun all day on 28th (Sunday) & most of midday today, turned dull & mild in afternoon & rain from W. by six o'clock P.M.;  no wind.

31st Jan - 3rd Feb. 1951. 

Extraordinary changes of weather during this period.  On night of 30th-31st there was very heavy rain following two or three fine mild days & much sun.  On afternoon of 31st we went by 54 bus to Crumlin Cross & walked via Willington Ho. & Templeogue Bridge to Rathfarnham, picking up eggs on way;  & were surprised to find the hills pure white with