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6th April 1954. After a dry day on 5th & gale & heavy rain on morning of 4th, weather turned mild & spring like this morning with some sun, so that at 12 noon when I went down back garden I saw a fresh ♀ Bombus lucorum at Hyacinth (white) flowers & then at flowers of Daphne blaggiana [[blagayana]], as well as many Honey Bees at catkins of the ♀ Salix cinerea. Later, 12.40, when feeding mails in motor house a lovely fresh ♀ Bombus terrestris thrice came into the doorway & later flew up the garden & went to the white Hyacinths, but did not stay or sip. Flower spikes in Carex clendestina with anthers showing & those on Carex montana well up. Sax. oppositifolia - all plants -  now nearly over & buds showing on many of the mossies, Arctostaphylos White Currants, &c. One Snowdrop only out a few days ago in front garden under drawing room window. Shoots of Cnicus heterophyllus & Saussurea just showing through soil.

9th April. A lovely sunny morning, but when I went to the Dodder at 2 P.M. as I felt sure the Chiff-chaff - now at least 2 weeks late! - must be in, a hail & thunder shower prevented me achieving my objective.


9.4.51, cont.  At 3.45 called for J. P. Brunker & went with him to R. I. Acad. to introduce him to The President, 

Transcription Notes:
♂♀☿ [[underlined]] removed per Smithsonian instructions