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22.8.51, cont.  Lynch Park, DU., cont.
Taken at 3. [14 mounted and these labelled 8.1.1952]

Epitomus pygmaeus ? ♀, ant. 20; small dark specimen.
Cryptinids 7, including Hemiteles apertus 
♂, Stilpnus gagates 1♂, 1♀.
Pezomachus fasciatus ♀, Pez. sp. ♀, ant. 20 (only the last mtd.)   

Bassus "tricinctris" ♂ & Promethes cognatus ♂ : neither mtd.


Chalcids 5: none mtd.
Cynipid 1, minute, red, wingless =
Dipteron, small, with huge hind legs! not mtd.

[[right margin]]
22.8.51. Proctotrupes grasidator small ♀, taken on window n house, 14 Clareville Rd., Harold's Cross, Dublin
[[/right margin]]


24th August 1951 (Friday) A fine day after a very wet day & night; nearly all morning after 3.30 P.M. Wind moderate, SW-W. Drove in afternoon to Ballymakaily Bridge over Grand Canal & walked up canal to Gollierstown Bridge, where swept for a couple of hours in 3 areas:-

1 = NE. end of small quarry-hole separated from canal & 1st large quarry hole by hummock; SE. of bridge & S. of canal.
2 = 1st large quarry hole alongside & S. of canal.
3 = small quarry holes 1&2 N. of wall, N. of canal & 1/4 SW of bridge; & also side of tow-path & canal E. of bridge for 1/2 mile.

Gollierstown, Co. DU.

Insects taken at 1. [7 mounted from 1 & these labelled 28.12.1951.]
Cryptinids 4♂♂ : not mtd
Meloboris ♂ : not mtd.
Opius ♂ cf. communis! Not mtd.
Pentapluma pumitis sp small♀, dark legs: not mtd
Pharmocarpa pici[?] 2♂♂: not mtd.
Dacmusa areolaris group 10, including 1♂ A. longinadials:  none mtd.
D. l Gyrocampal [?] 2♂♂ 1♀, ant. 24 and 26 (♂♂); very small ♀).
Chorchidia lymphata Hal. 2♀♀, ant. 20 and 22 rather large ex.!
Aphidius of ♂. not mtd. Triongs of auctus 1 ♂: not mtd.
Proctos. 20 & nearly all one species which was abundant in ♂ sex : of this 1♂, 1♀ mounted = 

Transcription Notes: