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26.9.51, cont.  Hollywood Glen, WI., cont.

Taken at 2 (almost all on Polygonum!). [18 mounted & these labelled 19.4.52.]

Platylabus iridipennis ♀, ant. 30, small.

Phaeogenid ♂, ant. 25 = Oiorhinus pallipalpus!

Pezomachus fasciatus ♀: {not mtd. P.    sf.  ♀ (same mate) not mtd.

Phygadeuonid ♂: not mtd.

Stenomacrus ventralis. ♂ not mtd. Promethus cognadius ♀: not mtd. 

Campoplegid ♂: not mtd.

Heliata    sf.    2♂♂, 1♀: none mtd.

Asperiloptus obliquus Thoms. ♂, ant. 20.

Colastes braconius ♀: not mtd.

Rogas circumscriptus ♀, ant. 40.

Opius elongatus m. ♂, ant. 35: very nice specimen.

Tanycarpa ancilla 1 minute, teneral, ♂, ant. 21; stigma not very black?

Blacus [[?sufirorma]] ♂: not mtd. B. tripudians ♀, ant 19.

Aspilota cynipidis, small ♀, ant. 18.  A. cf.[[?fusciocens]] large ♂, ant. 24.

A. cf. [[?sufifemus]] 1♂, 1♀, ant. 23 & 21. G. tumida ♂, ant. 19.

G. (Synaldis) [[?lesius]] m. ? ♀, ant. 16.

G. (S.)    sp.    ♂, ant. 22.

Dacnusa pubescens + [[?lusiputra]] 1 each! not mtd.

D. aphanta 1: not mtd.

D. aphanta? ♀ ant. pale, 22-segmented; small, teneral!

almost-certainly this species! A.W.S. 21-4-52!


Taken at 2, cont.

Aphidius, sff. 1♂, 1♀: not mtd.

[[?Proctor]]. 20 - mostly Serphids.3 mtd. =


Chalcids 5: none mtd.

Diptera 2: none mtd.

28th Sept. 1951. A very perfect day, with much 

hot sun + blue sky. In forenoon, wind W.N.W. in

In afternoon wind E. in Dublin + S. at 

Landenstown, but so light as not to matter.

In afternoon drove to Landenstown, Co. KD., 

arriving about 3 PM + leaving at 4:40.

Swift trip along S. side of Grand Canal (parallel to 

plantation 1/4 mile E. of Landenstown Ho. = 1

and Alden bushes, & along other side of canal bank

by drain between canal & plantation = 2.

Small hymenoptera, especially [[?Proctor]], very

abundant, but conditions about the best possible!

Transcription Notes:
♂♀ Difficult to reproduce normal-sized male and female symbols! KD = Kildare Most names verified RJ