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5th Oct. 1951.  A very fine day, but mainly misty clouds & gentle E. wind & so little view, after a still night & misty rain on aft. of 4th; no drying & therefore grass very wet & impossible to sweep, though higher shrubs, &c., quite dry. Mild & with some short sun bursts.  

Took 10 AM bus to Jobstown & walked over hill (Knocknasea!) past Tumoling Pool to Ballinascorney Gap & thence round N. face of Slievenabawnoge through the Glacial overflow gap until we reached the highest on E. side & overlooking Glenasmole. Here had lunch at 1 PM  & afterward dropped down into Glenasmole at the upper dam, where collected amongst willow scrub on dry bed of reservoir at the head of the spillway for half an hour (= 1). Swept sides of path from upper dam to lower resivoir (= 2) & caught 3:30 PM bus from Bohernabreena Home 4 PM.

Saw or heard many Bumble Bees, but only B. agrorum  ☿ recognised. Swept Halictus albipes ♂ at 1 & saw a dragonfly (Sympectrum striolatum (?♂) on roadway when returning to bus. Lower reservoir at least 2/3 dry, but plenty of water in Dodder below same, so level intentional. But why? [Because of repairs to Rathfarnham Bridge & to prevent floods descending on the works there ! A.W.S Nov. 1951]


5.10.51 cont.  Glenasmole, DU., cont.
Insects taken at 1. (outlet of upper reservoir!). [6 mounted from 1 & these labelled 5.1.54.]
Pezmoacheus Jasciellein ♀ & Atraclides of tinebuiosin 1 ! not mtd.
Physadenon ?: not mtd.
Homocidus nigritarreus ♀ not mtd. Can poplyid ♀ short lirek = anilasta tricinite ?♀ ant 30. 
Opius sp : broken & not kept. 
Blacus Lumilis group ♂ ant 19
Aspilota albesciper dark legs ver. ! ♀, ant 22
Dacmena areoloris ♀ & Coessiperties 7 none mtd. 
Deamusa sp aaphanta but dull reddish abdomin: not mounted. Dacnusa Adducta ♀ ant. 29. 
D (Psyroranpa) affinis 3 ♀♀ & relyinora 1 F: none mtd.
Proctos 3: 1 mtd = Trichopris ?
Cynifids 2: not mtd

Taken at 2 [9 mounted from 2 & these labelled 5.1.54]
Hemitiles sp procetis ♀ not mtd.
Physadeum ? not mtd
[moss specimin pasted in] Bryum Capillare L. 1,100 ft. on rock. Slierenabawnger Co DU 5.10.51 fide Mrs J.S. Thomson!
Pezonachus sp. ♂ issyleus, reddish, ant 20
Promethes cognalius ♀ not mtd. Stenous acreus confinis
Orthocenbius fulsipes ♀ ant 30
Opius irsejuleris 1, not mtd. Opius levis W ♂-no dimple, dark 24-seg ant -dimple
O pallipes ? small ♂ ant 25 pale at base
Aspilota dentifemur very robust ♀  ant. 20
Aspilota Fuscicornis ♂ not med. 
A cynipidis ♀ not mtd.
A cynipidis ♀ ant. 
Darnusa laisiputius 5 not mtd. 
D elejaantula ♀not mtd 
D. ef aphanta 1 ♂ 1 ♀ not mtd
D (G) affines  ♀ not mtd. D avesta ♀ant 28
proctos. 15; only 1 mtd. =
Chalcids 2 none mtd
Cynipid 1 none mtd  coccinella1 =

9th Oct. 1951 ant 25 Stenomacrun curvicandatus 1 ♀ taken in kitchen window 14 Cleresille Rd Hordds Crons, DU. Possibly out of sticks!

Transcription Notes:
♂♀☿ unsure of spelling of the insects