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12th - 16th Oct. 1951.  
Lovely weather & some days such as 16th absolutely perfect with very hot sun.  Temperature in dining room, 14 Clareville Rd., at 6 P.M. between 67 & 68F. although windows front & back room had been open all day.  
In afternoon while cutting front privet hedge saw a ♀︎ Pimpla alight on a twig & caught it with my fingers;  it proved to be P. depositer. Först., ant. 21-segmented. 

17th- 18th Oct: entirely dull & much cooler, with glass falling all 18th but no rain.

19th Oct. 1951. 

A fine sunny, but cool & with strong S.W. breeze: not an insect day & very very different from 16th.  Went by bus to Dollymount & on to the North Bull, where arrived about 11.15.  Walked along the salt-marsh to Lady Anne's Bank where had lunch at 1 P.M. & back by the strand & sandy flat outside golf links.  Home 4.30 P.M.  

Swept a little in 3 areas, but few insects about except Diptera (Daddy Longlegs prevailing at 2!).  
1 = Salt-marsh by path for 1/2 mile E. of old coast guard st. 
2 = Sandflat where alder trees grow near Lady Annes Bank. 
3 = Sandflat 1/4 mile E. of the Bull Wall & S. of golf links 

19.10.51, cont.  North Bull, Co. DU. 

Insects taken at 1. 
[17 mounted from 1 & these labelled 11.12.1951.] 

Pimpla brevicornis  ♀︎, ant. 22.
Apanteles viminetorum  ♀︎ (= fuliginosus W. fida Wilkinson):  very nice specimen.  This ♀︎ is quite unlike one named & sent me by Wilkinson as a neo-paratype!  AWS. 1951.
Aspilota sp.?  ♀︎, taken in 1st sweep!  Near minutissima but larger & obviously distinct:  ant. 17; legs very stout!
Dacnusa laevipectus?  1♂︎, 1♀︎, in same sweep!  Ant. 21 & 20.  Stigma & radial cell very long.  Legs of ♀︎ much darkened, &c.
Aphidius cf. sp. near brassicae, but tergite 1 testaceous;  4♂︎♂︎, ant. 16, 17, 17 & 17.
A. cf. renominatus Hincks?  a small ♀︎; ant. bitten off short!
Proctos  2 = 
Mymarid  1 = 
Chalcids  3 = Hemiptarsenus sp. ♂︎;
Dipteron =

Taken at 2 & 3.
[16 mounted from 2, 1 from 3, & these labelled 9.12.51.]
[Epitomus & 2 Chalcids only taken at 3; remainder at 2.]

Epitomus pygmaeus (agg.) ♀︎, at 3; ant. 24.
Lissonota basilis?  ♂︎, at alder! black coxae! Ant. 42.
Porizonid  3♂︎♂︎, antennae 23-24 & 24-segmented, all at one alder:  often taken here before? = 
Plectiscus sp.  ♀︎, ant. 19.
Aspilota (Synaldis) cf. rudenticornis  ♀︎, ant. 18.
Dacnusa laevipectus  ♀︎ var. with rather dusky legs;  ant. 21.
Aphidius spp. 3 = A. cf. near brassicae?  ♂︎, ant. 17, but tergite 1 testaceous.
A. sp. small  2♂︎♂︎, ant. both 18.
Procto  1 = Exallonyx? ♂︎
Chalcids  5 = 
Beetle:  minute Staph. =
Two specimens of the snail Pupa muscorum taken by M.D.S. on frond of Polypodium vulgare which grows in the sand at 2 in usual place.