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14.7.51, cont.  SW Corrie, Ben Lawers, MP., cont.

After lunch proceeded to head of Corrie & searched for Gentiana nivalis on grass slope below cliff but could not see a sign of it coming up, though lots of Myosotis alpestris all over the slope, 1 to 3 inches high.  Went round the base of cliffs for a few hundred yards & then came back & crossed upper corrie & went up amongst the crags to see if Saxifraga cernua intended to flower this year & on the way saw several places where tufts of Arenaria rubella were in flower - a very poor plant compared with A. verna.  On reaching the Sax. cernua ground near top of crags saw innumerable "seedlings" all over the ground amongst rock debris, as well as on rock-faces, & examined the largest with lens to see if it would later bear a flower:  found that at summit of plant there was a large, bud-like growth [[image]] but without dissecting it could not say whether it was a flower bud or not.  Went on from this to summit to enjoy the view which on this day was quite uninterrupted every direction.  Left summit at 5.10 PM. & in hotel at 6.55!!  On way down spent a few minutes in marsh on Eastern ridge to look for "Carex helvola" but the only


largest sedge seen (& just coming into flower!) was C. saxatilis & no trace of any sedge suggesting any relation with C. curta.  During the day collected various specimens of Certasium in the corrie & once more came to the conclusion that there are these only two species [vulgatum & alpinum, with innumerable hybrids. 

Two Icks & one beetle (taken with fingers in the corrie) one brachypterous Ich taken floating on water below fall on the Carric Burns at ca. 1500 ft.

[On this morning, before leaving hotel, picked a ♀︎ Athalia cordata off a calf in field opposite the hotel!]

15th July 1951. 

A fine but windy day!  Strong SW. wind with sun & cloud in forenoon.  Before lunch, 1 P.M., collected by sweeping in two spots at Lawers:-

1. In lane from road to pier.
2. Along shore & in scrub from foot of lane to mouth of Lawers Burn.