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15.7.51, cont.  Acharn, MP., cont.

Taken at 3, cont.

Coelinius sp. ♂︎, ant. 37, head ± cubical.
C. sp.  2♂︎♂︎, ant. 41 & 42, head widened behind eyes.
Monoctonus caricis  ♂︎, ant. 16.     
Ephedrus lacertosus  1♂︎, ant. 11
Aphidius cf. avenae  ♀︎, ant. 17.
A. sp.  ♂︎, ant. 17.
Proctos ca 3a.
Chalcids 11.
Cynipid  1.
Dipteron  1
Beetle (Staph.) 1


16th July '51. 

A fine dry day with very strong westerly wind - almost a gale - & much hot sun.  Left hotel late - about 10:30 AM. - as D.A. Webb (T.C.D.), Prof. Clapham (Sheffield), & Canon Raven & John Raven leaving after being here a week. 

Walked up Lawers Burn to head of Lochan-a-Cat & had lunch on one of the lowest scarps of An Stuic where quite a lot of Erigeron alpinum, Veronica saxatilis, & many of the commoner Lasers plants.  Also one fine clump of Thalictrum minus (s.l.) & a nest of the Bumble Bee Bombus lapponium where we sat down for lunch, the entrance to which appeared like a mouse-hole on vertical face of a turfy ledge.

After lunch went on to lowest cliffs below Creag-an-Fhithich = the Raven's Rock! & worked up these cliffs (on which a very rich flora grows) to a flattish wet area alt. ca. 2,800 ft. where Juncus biglumis found together with J. triglumis on a wet rock, with much Carex saxatilis & in one place a nice patch of Carex atrofusca.  Quite a lot of Myosotis alpestris & Veronica saxatilis on the lower cliffs.  Gradually worked upwards to the cliffs on N. Face of Creag-an-Fhitich where a truly "arctic" flora occurs - not only on the ledge & cliffs, but on the grassy slope below the rocks where Saxifraga nivalis seen growing amongst the grassy vegetation as well as on the rocks.  Cochlearia alpina on the rocks & C. micacea by the rills.  Adoxa moschatellina & Chrysosplenium alternifolium ♀︎√ in & few places under overhangng rocks at about 3,200 ft.