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16.7.51,cont.   N. Corrie, Ben Lawers, cont.

Ferns very plentiful & a wonderful show of Oak Fern amongst the rocks on the screes.  Had afternoon tea in shelter of scarp near & above one of the three very large snow patches still at head of the corrie & came down past it & another remnant of a 4th now almost melted & beside which were dozens of Beech & one Oak leaf left by the melting of the snow.  Earlier in day we had seen two healthy seedlings of Sycamore by runnels, both at ca. 3000 ft. all indicating the power of the updraft during stormy weather, but how so many beech leaves could have come together & not scattered is a mystery.  After tea descended to shore of the Lochan 4:30 P.M. & came home via its N. shore & the Lawers Burn & met by A.M. Gwynn's friend Grant Roger who had arrived from Edinburgh that afternoon for a couple of days.  Formerly in Aberdeen & then Manchester Museums he is now in Edinburgh & connected with the Conservancy organization. 


17th July 1951. 

A day of strong to gale SW-W wind & wet mist all day, though in late afternoon became able to sweep sides of lane & vegetation along shore, &c. between Lawers pier & mouth of the Lawers Burn.  

Not feeling fit I did not go out with Grant Roger who went in 9.35 bus to Carric & spent the day in the SW. corrie, where besides the plants we have seen he came home with Juncus castaneus & Phleum alpinum  which I think I got at head of the corrie - "on wet dripping rock above where a large snow patch had recently melted!" - a place we have never been to.  Did not go out till 3 PM. when walked to pier & back.  After afternoon tea took net & tried sweeping in lane & on shore & found this possible.  Just west of mouth of Lawers Burn grows the large Thalictrum recorded by Druce as T. kochii & in some quantity. 

Insects taken or seen in lane or on shore, or under trees, between Lawers Burn & old pier, Lawers, MP.  4.30-6.0 P.M.
[18 insects mtd. & these labelled May 1952] 

Bombus lucorum  ☿ seen
Ants.  Lasius flavus, L. niger;  Myrmica ruginodis & Formica fusca, ☿☿ swept