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14th April 1952. EASTER MONDAY. 

After a beautiful morning drizzle came on about midday & lasted all afternoon & evening & night - sometimes heavy - sometimes light.  Did not go out, 

15th April. 

After a dull forenoon, a very nice afternoon.  Drove in afternoon to Larch Hill & walked up the lane on to E. slope of Tibraddon at +1,000 ft & back.  Did not collect.  Saw huge flock of Sand Martins about the sandpits at Larch Hill gate. 

16th April. 

After a misty morning, a lovely warm sunny afternoon with gentle E. breeze.  In afternoon drove to Glenasmole & left car at Murphy's.  Then walked up to upper dam & up to old school on E. side of glen & south along road & across fields to head of upper reservoir & so back to car along the W. side of upper lake where many of the willows have been cut to allow fishermen to flog the water. 

Swept a little here & there en route - mostly at head of upper lake & along path on very back, & took the following species.

Dacnusa areolaris  5 normal sized ♀︎♀︎ & 1 large ♂︎ with almost red & black legs:  these last only mounted!  Ant. 21(♂︎), 22(♀︎).
Aphidius sp. with piceo-black legs & black pronotum;  small (under 2mm.)  3♂︎♂︎ (ant. 16, 17 & 18);  2♀︎♀︎ (ant. 16 & 17).
Monoctonus caricis  2♀︎♀︎.
Cynipids  3

Also saw many ♀︎ Bombus at Silex & 1♀︎ Psithyrus distinctus sunning itself.  
Saw ♂︎ & ♀︎ Scaup ducks on upper reservoir!


17th April 1952. 

A lovely day after early morning rain.  In afternoon drove to Ballinascorney Gap & walked up to head of Brittas River, where saw the Lycopodium clavatum discovered there last year & then cut across moor to N. shoulder of Ballymorefin hill, down ridge to overflow channel S. of Slievenabawnoge & so back to car at the upper quarry.  Saw five Red Grouse!

18th April. 

A most perfect summer's day:  all very hot sun & gentle E.SE breeze.  Left home at 11.30 & drove to Glen of the Downs, where climbed to the top of W. side & had lunch there in hot sun. At 2 PM, went on to Greystones & spent an hour & a half with Una Palmer.  Saw Swallows in Greystones.  Tried a little sweeping on way up side of the Glen of the Downs, which produced only 2 small icks:-

Phygadeuon? sp.?  ♂︎, ant. 23.
Pezomachus sp.?  ♂︎,ant. 23.

Saw Bombus lapidarius, lucorum & agrorum ♀︎♀︎.

21st April.

Terrific thunderstorm lasting about 3 hours in afternoon following heavy fall in flass & broken weather.

22nd April.

Much hot sun & blue sky, with showers in afternoon, when during sunny interval at 3 P.M. saw a ♀︎ Bombus pratorum on Flowering Currant in back garden

25th April.

In afternoon took bus to Whitechurch & walked up to 900 ft. on Kilmashogue & coll. some mosses for Miss Thomson, where weather fine though all afternoon an E x S x W jam over Dublin & heavy & continuous rain there.