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26th April 1952. A lovely mild day with gentle E. breeze & much very hot sun. In afternoon spent an hour in the Dodder Park (while waiting for nails to be put in new boots) & saw there many bees, several ♂ wasps (either vulgaris or germanica), one Large White Butterfly & two ♀ Orangetips. Trouble with slipping clutch of car necessitates getting new plate in clutch & hence use of bus on 25th.

27th April (Sunday). A very perfect day: mainly hot sun, but with cool, fresh, easterly breeze. Spent day in garden or feeding snails. In afternoon found ♂♂ of Sigalphus aviculata Ritz. (?) assembling at tips of branches of one of the Red Currant bushes in back garden but no ♀ nor any other hymenoptera parasitica seen. Vespa vulgaris Bombus terrestrics, B. lucorum & Halictus lencopus ♀♀ seen. 

Many plants in garden now in flower or almost so, including Andromeda, Arctostaphylos, Salix arbuscula & reticulata, Salix nigricans (Farnham, C.V.), Carex montana, C. vaginata & most of the rosacea (hirta?) group of Mossy Saxifrages. 

28th-29th April. The former mainly very hot, the latter cold & entirely dull. 

30th April. SE. wind & drizzle or rain all day - till 5 P.M. after glass had fallen slowly for 48 hours. A ♀ sawfly found crawling on kitchen floor (2 P.M.) = Thrinea macula : possibly derived from sticks drying under kitchen range & brought in from garden some time previously, where this sawfly has been known to breed in ferns for many years past.


1st May 1952. A very nice warm day with much sun after a sea-mist previous night, early morning & at times during day. In late afternoon drove to Ballinascorney Gap, Co. Dublin, & walked up military road for a mile, across Brittas River & back to car. Gathered mosses for Miss Thomson to show at D.N.F.C. Conservazione on Monday 5th May, including Bartramia pommiformes in fruit, which grows on W. ditch of road 1/4 mile above the upper stone quarry 

2nd May. Although glass high & slowly rising for 2 days rain all day from SE. & chilly, so that we had a fire in evening.  

3rd & 4th May. Cold, with E. wind & drizzle or rain most of the time.

5th May. Cold & dull till 7 P.M. when cleared after wind gone W. No rain.

6th May. Glass still low & at same level since 3rd. Wind first W. & later S. strong & rather cold, but much hot sun in forenoon & late afternoon Some slight showers, with small, wet, hail in the hills. In afternoon drove to Glenasmole & walked, by road, up W. side of glen & back to old school on E. side, then cut across fields to upper dam & back to car. Lots of Swallows & Whitethroats & lots of flowers, including Herb Robert & Lady's Smock.

7th May. In afternoon drove to lane above Jobstown & walked up hill to Tumoling Pool & stone circle on Knocknarea where collected more of the red moss ( 
 ) on limekiln, & other mosses, for Miss Thomson.

8th May. Daisy not well & later developed attack of jaundice & very ill for a few days. Hence no notes for a week except as follows:-

[[left margin]] Two Swifts seen 8 P.M. [[/left margin]]

Transcription Notes:
Reopened 26 Jan 2021