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25.5.52 cont.  Ballystockan, WI., cont.

Dacnusa (Gyrocampa) affinis - see p.64 & uliginosa  2 & 3 respectively: not mtd.
Chaenusa conjungens  3♂︎♂︎, 1♀︎: not mtd.
Aphidius  2♂︎♂︎: not mtd.
Proctos  8: Sceleo sp. frequent: not mtd.
Chalcids  2: not mtd.
Diptera  2:  1 mtd. = 
Beetles (Cholera?) 2: not mtd.
Small Heath Butterfly frequent.

31st May & 1st June 1952.

Chilly & mainly wet.  Had fire in evening of 1st.  (Whit Sunday).

2nd June (Whit Monday).

Much sun with showers, but on the whole a nice day.  In afternoon Daisy & I drove to Brittas Ponds, where left car, & walked up to Lynch Park & back.  Many insects out but did not collect.  Just S. of entrance to Lynch Park, i.e. above 1,000 feet, were two Painted Lady Butterflies each apparently with its "territory", as we once saw one chase the other away & return & settle on the road.  Both seemed pale & one rather worn.  Many ♀︎♀︎ of Bombus agrorum, a few derhamellus & three lucorum seen.  The two first always at flowers of Vicia sepium & one of the latter at Ulex.  Wall Butterfly also seen!


3rd June 1952.

A very nice day with much hot sun, but several showers, during & before which blew a cold strong wind from N.W.

In afternoon drove to Louisa Bridge, Leixlip, KD., with Kerney to show him habitat for Amphipeplea glutinosa on stonework of the bridge over Royal Canal.  I collected for about 40 minutes - mostly after a shower - between the bridge & right bank of the Rye Water & above the aqueduct.  These labelled:- 

Rye Water, Co KD.
[28 mounted & these labelled -.3.1954.]

Butterfly:  Dingly Skipper (tages) - in marsh near Rye Water.  Like the English form.  Given to E.S.A. Baynes, 29.11.1955.
Common Blue ♂︎ & Small Heath also seen.

Coleoptera 3 = Donacia 2 spp. = D. – & D. – & Rhinosimus viridipennis 1.
Dipteron  1 = 
Ant.  Many nests of Lasius flavus.
Ichneumon  ♂︎, black, with white marks: = Barichneumon bimaculatus  ♂︎, ant. 34.
Phygadeuon sp.  ♂︎ not mtd.
Atractodes sp.  ♂︎, ant. 22.
Pezomachus gonatopinus  ♀︎:  runs very fast!  Ant. 20.
Stenomacrus curvicaudatus  ♀︎ not mtd.
Orthocentrus protuberans?  ♂︎, ant. 29.
Promethes sulcatus  ♂︎ not mtd.
Homocidus cinctus  dark ♀︎, ant. 21.
Euryproctus (Syndipnus) lateralis, small ♀︎, ant. 37
Thersilochid  ♀︎ red abd., ant. 26 = 
Thersilochid  ♀︎ black abd., ant. 19 = 
Bracon cf. hispiterga?  but head too transverse & more like that of rugizonatus:  2♀︎♀︎, ant. 25 & 27.
B. osculator var. C.  ♀︎, ant. 28.
B. cf. instabilis Marshall, ♂︎, ant. 30.
Apanteles cf. albipennis?  ♂︎.
A. ruficrus?  ♀︎.
A. cf. infimus  ♀︎.
A. cf. tetricus  2♂︎♂︎.