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1st July 1952.  

A very warm, close, day, with much hot sun, after a fine night.  Rain in evening commencing at 7.30 P.M.

Graham & I walked from hotel at about 9.45 & made for the SW. corrie on Ben Lawers.  Joined the burn leaving the corrie where two small bushes of Salix lapponum grows on its right bank & worked up it for 1/8 mile & then on to cliffs on Ben Glas side of the corrie where had lunch.  Later worked the cliffs facing south on Ben Glas where the big snow patches lay in 1947 & 1951 & found a surprisingly big flora including very much Saxifraga nivalis & Myosotis alpestris, as well as most of the ordinary Ben Lawers plants, such as, Siballdia, Salix reticulata, Phleum alpinum, Juncus triglumis, & Poa alpina, while the grass slopes below the cliffs where the snow had lain longest were covered with tiny plants (in flower) of both Viola riviniana & V. palustris.  After traversing cliff came to an angle & followed edge of cliff to summit of ridge & dropped down to the col where there is a small tarn (above the 3,200 ft. contour) in which & around which collected some mosses, one of which had fruit on it although most under several inches of water - but probably not so during dry spell last month.


1.7.52, cont.

Next visited pools on ledge S. of col & collected some water beetles & a couple of Corixa & went E. to edge of cliff directly beneath summit of Ben Lawers & W. of same.

Here saw lots of Myosotis & the usual Erigeron alpinum but did not see Gentiana nivalis on slop below cliff.  Here had afternoon tea at 4 P.M. & subsequently crossed corrie to south & climbed out on to southern ridge, passing prominent crag at S. end of ridge & so home via N.E. side of Meall Odher to hotel at 6.40, spending nearly half an hour on way looking for the Azalea procumbens found in 1947, [[strikethrough]] near [[/strikethrough]] where Juncus trifidus grows.  Also saw Juncus trifidus on ridge on Ben Glas side of the col between it & Ben Lawers.

Bombus lapponicus (2♀︎♀︎) seen at ca 3,000 ft.

2nd July 1952.

A fine windy day with rising glass after some heavy rain at night;  cooler.

Everything very wet in morning, until wind shifted from W. to N. about 11 A.M.  In afternoon went by 2.35 bus to Killin & returned by 5.35 bus to Lawers.  Collected in 5 areas during day as follows:-