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28.6.'53 (2)  Supplementary List.
16 mounted & labelled Oct 1953.
Lawers, MP. (afternoon 28.6.53).

Hemeritis (Phaidroctonus) transfugus
♂ ant. 26, ♀ ant. 27; pertpetiole of neither - especially ♂ - is absolutely smooth!
Otesicampa cf. ♂, ant. 36.
Opus irregularis ♀, var. with tergite 2 aciculate, ant. bitten off.
O. stenops ♀, ant. 23
O. sp. ♂, ant. 29 in many ways agree but with ♀ of nigricornis mihi but antennae & tergite 2 seem too pale to belong here!
Aspilota fuscescens 2♀♀, ant. 17 & 18; & also a ♂ probably the species, ant. bitten off short.
also a third ♀ probably same species, ant. tips missing 
A. sp.? a minute ♀, with dimple, large head, reddish tergites, semirugjose propodum, terebra, nearly 1/2 abdomen; ant. 17 slender.
Runs to littoralis in key owing to wide head, but wont fit anything.
A. fuscicornis Hal. A puny ♂, ant bitten off. 
A. cf. clara ? A larger ♂ than last, with curved, instead of straight, 3rd abcinia cf radius; perhaps a very small ♂ clara with rather dark tergite 1 & only 18-seg. antennae. 
A. carinata sp. n. Type! ♂ Like eforeolata in head & no dimple, but spiracles quite small, body black, hind tibiae pale at base fuscous at apex; tarsi fuscous; tergite 1 long with keel in centre to apical smooth tubercle, ant. 25. Like truncata, but propodeum not truncate; not areaolated & very strongly reticulate-rugose. Put in coll. [[Right margin]] P. T. O. [[/right margin]]

Transcription Notes:
♂♀☿. Reopened 28 Jan 2021 for further work.