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10th May 1953. 

Another perfect day - all hot sun and cool E. breeze.  Left home in car at 10.15 AM & drove to upper Liffey valley 1 mile W of Sally Gap where left car at bridge over R. Liffey, ca. 1,200 ft. & walked up the river for 1/2 mile & then out across the moor to the N. & on to summit of Kippure 2,473 ft., on which neither of us had been before as it is bare granite, sand & boulders, and no plants of any interest to be seen.  Returned by slightly different route & joined the Liffey about a mile above the bridge.  Left for home about 4.40 and home 5.30.  Did a little sweeping on way up & down, but except Diptera & the purple Click Beetle not many insects about.  However took the following, between 1,250 ft. & say 2,300 feet on S. slope of Kippure, Co. WI.

S. slope of Kippure, Co. WI.

Bombus lucorum  numerous ♀︎♀︎ seen
Andrena albicans  ♂︎♂︎ flying around Mt Ash just coming into flower at 1,250 ft. by river.
Vespa norvegica  ♀︎ collecting pulp off Mt. Ash dead branch.
Trichiosoma sp.  (♂︎?) on Mt. Ash at 1,250 ft. but failed to sweep it off its perch & lost it.


10.5.53, cont.  S. slope of Kippure, Co. WI., cont.

Nematine sawfly  ♀︎ in rushy place at 2,000 ft. = Gen. et sp.? black abd. 
Dolerus aeneus  ♂︎♂︎ everywhere nearly to summit! 
Hemiteles sp.?  ♀︎: ant. 21, very elongate, small, cubic head, wide areolet, &c. 
H. sp.  a minute black ♂︎
Phygadeuon  sp. 2♀︎♀︎.
Mesoleid  ♂︎, red abd., ant. bitten off short.  (? off Mt. Ash) = 
Campoplegids 2
Apanteles salebrosus?  ♀︎: all abd. segments somewhat punctured; tergites 1 & 2 scarcely "keeled"!
Aspilota nigrescens  ♀︎, ant. 18: very nice specimens!
Aphidius spp. 2 = A. sp.? ♀︎ ant. 16-17, last 2 segments united!
A. sp.?  ♂︎ ant. 17, small black sp., no cubital n.!
Proctos. 3; none mtd.
Chalcid 1 =
Cynipids 2 : not mtd.
Diptera 2 =
Beetle : Aphodius, black sp., small, =

11th & 12th May. 

Still sunny & dry with E. wind but signs of approaching change.  On afternoon of 12th drove to "Judy's Pinch" in Slade of Saggart & walked E. over hill to Mount Seskin.  Tried sweeping in lane at ca. 1100 ft. but too windy & took only one ♂︎, ant. 30, Porizonid (=  ) & a ♂︎ Nomada bifida. 

At this height saw field E. of lane (facing across the valley to the De Selby quarries.) full of Viola lutea & a lovely sight.  Still in flower here in last week of Sept. AWS.