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3.7.53, cont.  Cam Chreag & Beinn-an-Eachan, cont.

Crossing the N. end of the gap we crossed an area of block talus on N. side of Cam Chreag & came to a slanting cliff immediately below & N. of the summit with a steep, normally, dripping slope to NW. of it on which Juncus biglumis & triglumis were abundant.  On the cliff Poore found one plant of Woodsia alpina & there was much Sax. nivalis & many other nice plants.  Amongst the rocks & on the grassy slopes Cerastium alpinum was abundant & with it a very robust, fleshy-hairy-leaved form of C. vulgatum. 

Sagina saginoides on wet slope almost to summit of Cam Chreag.  Left summit of Cam Chreag at about 4 P.M. & with the help of a jeep belonging to the hydro-electric works caught the 5.30 bus from Killin at Edramucky back to Lawers.  Did not collect any insects except –– & saw no bumble bees during the day.

Mr. Colville arrived at Lavern during the day from Dundee.


4th July '53. 

A dull day with strong cool W. wind & some wet mist in hills.  Mr. Colville, Daisy, & I left hotel about 10 AM. & walked up to Lochan-na-Cat by the Lawers Burn, stopping as usual to look at the 3 bushes of Salix phylicifolia & 1 bush of S. aurita on left bank just below the Lochan.  On boulder in mid stream where the lowest Salix phylicifolia is I found 3 flowering plants of Erigeron alpinum growing with Sax. aizoides, Alchemilla alpina &c. & between 50 & 100 seedlings of the Erigeron, though how any seeds could have stayed on the stone was difficult to imagine, as it sloped downstream & was only about a yard square & must be completely submerged when the river is in flood.  Had lunch, 1.15 P.M., amongst boulders at head of Lochan & later Mr. Colville & I went on towards the great cliff S.W. of head of Lochan & on way there passed several stations for Sandwith's "mysterious sedge" (C. [[strikethrough]] parallela [[/strikethrough]] dioica var. ?) one growing in a "flush" not far above lake level & two others by a rill perhaps a couple of hundred feet above the Lochan — one tall clump formed almost a pure, elongate, "tussock" across a rill, the ♂︎ spikes, especially, being very tall, but none of these plants reached the luxuriant state of those on the ridge N. of Ben Lawers.  On reaching the big cliff we went up its