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8th July 1953. 

A cool showery day, but considerable sun & fine in afternoon. 

Driven by Mr. Arnsby (Mr. Colville, Daisy & I) to Invervar in Glen Lyon, where arrived at 10.30 AM. & left for hotel at 6 P.M.  

Walked up track on left bank of the Invervar Burn to about 1800 ft. & then cut across slope to the cliffs SE. of summit of Carn Gorm, which cliffs range from ca. 2,500 to 2,750 feet:  walked along the lower cliffs northwards & then cut across corrie & burn to the cliffs facing south about 3/4 mile NE. of Carn Gorm, along under the big cliff, across N. branch of the burn & so back to Invervar.  In crossing the corrie N.E. of Carn Gorm passed over several stony marshes full of Juncus biglumis, J. triglumis, Scirpus caespitosa caespitosa, Carex ? [[strikethrough]] parallela [[/strikethrough]] dioica var., Armeria maritimus, &c.  On the track above Invervar at ca. 1,000 ft. saw Plantago maritima & Scirpus setaceus & at ca. 1,250 ft. what appeared to be Carex dioica & Potentilla fragariastrum.  On reaching the cliffs of Carn Gorm, found Salix myrsinites ♀︎ in abundance, S. herbacea & S. reticulata & one bush of S. arbuscula ♀︎ & Mr. Colville found one bush of S. lapponum & Vaccinium uliginosum 


8.7.53, cont.

Other nice plants on these rich cliffs were Carex rupestris, C. vaginata C. atrata, C. rigida & C. glauca (very fine forms) & 1 with elongate & 1 with ovate ♀︎ spikelets, Ameria, Saussurea alpina, Potentilla crantzii, Melica [[strikethrough]] uniflora [[/strikethrough]] nutans, Rubus saxatilis, Dryas, Silene acaulis, Draba rupestris (rosettes) & D. incana, Trollius, Sax. hypnoides & S. stellaris & S. aizoides, Geum rivale, Geranium sylvaticum, Beech & Oak Fern, Asplenium viride.

On the cliffs NE. of Carn Gorm & facing south we saw 18 flower-heads of Erigeron alpinum on one small scarp & 5 more nearby;  Lychnis dioica;  Sax. nivalis, Carex rupestris, Pyrus aucuparia, Salix myrsinites (one bush only seen here!), Beech Fern, Viola lutea var., Cerastium alpinum, Rhinanthus (? borealis);  Gnaphalium supinum, Solidago virgaurea, Antennaria, Anthyllis vulneraria, Sedum rosea in great abundance, Luzula spicata, Draba incanna & D. rupestris seen.  In the hollow between Carn Gorm & the big cliff to NE. were some lovely "micaceous bogs" full of Sandwith's Sedge, Juncus biglumis, J. triglumis & what I believe to be a starved J. castaneus only about 4 inches high;  & on the steep slope up to the crags W. of the big cliff I found a prostrate patch of what I think is a tiny form of Salix repens with 1/2 inch long leaves.