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14.5.54, cont.  Manor Kilbride, WI., cont.

Bombus lucorum several ♀︎♀︎ seen in wood on Dowry.
Sawflies 2 = Empria baltica?  ♀︎.  Ametastegia pallipes  ♀︎.  Both at quarry.
Phaeogenes  ♀︎
Cyrptiids  2:  Phygadeuon fumator  ♀︎, ant. 20
Hemiteles  small, slender, ♂︎, ant. 22 = 
Homocidus obscuripes  1♂︎, 1♀︎: not mtd.
Stenomacrus ventralis  2♂︎♂︎, 2♀︎♀︎, very fresh.  None mtd.
Picrostigeus recticauda  ♀︎, ant. 30
Campoplegid  ♂︎: not mtd.
Plectiscids 3 = Pantisarthrus rudipunctatus?  ♂︎, ant. 21.
Plectiscus cf. collaris?, but genal sulcus present!  ♀︎, ant. 21;  also a ♂︎, ant. 22.
Apanteles fulvipes group  ♂︎: not mtd.
Earinus ochropes?  ♂︎: not mtd.
Euphorus longicornis m.  ♀︎, ant. 28.
Aspilota monilicornis m.  ♀︎, ant. 20.  Very nice example!
A. fuscicornis  1 minute ♂︎, not. mtd.
Dacnusa areolaris, laevipectus √, maculipes & pubescens ♂︎♂︎.
D. aphanta  2♂︎♂︎: not mtd.
D. laevipectus  ♂︎, ant. 25.
D. eros, var. fuscitarsis, small ♂︎, ant. 36.
D. areolaris  ♂︎, ant. 21, with v. long radial cell. not mtd. Praon Abjectius ? 2 ♂︎♂︎, 1 ♂︎  not mtd. Monoctonus Carries 1 mannti ♂︎ not mtd.
Apfiduis spp. 3 not mtd.
Proctos 5 not mtd. Chalcids sp not mtd. Cynipeds 2 not mtd.
Beetle 1 not mtd

13th May Very Dry, Lot sun, cool N wind.
16th May 1954 Sunday, Very dry, hot sun, strong cool NE wind.
Did not go out as George home for week-end. In afternoon caught a few  in back garden of 14 Clariville Road, as follows: Garden, Harold, Cross, Dublin 3 or 4  PM.
Pimpla instigator, large ♂︎, on flowering Currant back: not mtd. P cf flariconies ? ♂︎, not mtd.
Homocidus Pectoratoruts,   ♂︎, ant. 22  H. Flavolineatus 3 ♂︎♂︎, ant 21, 22, 22 Cynipid ♂︎ = Campopligids 2 spp cf 1♂︎ and 5 ♂︎♂︎ respectfully, none mtd. Coceinedded +   | ♂︎ & ♂︎  Greenveined White Butterflies seen
17th May 1954. A fine day spoiled by conflicting E & NW wind. Causing several "jams" with drip & finally, very heavy rain about 6 PM. Left home at 11 AM. alone & drove to Woodend, near Blessington, where left car & walked up old road on E. ride if Woodend Brook acron flat boggy area & straight up Sorrel Hill (1975 feet) back to car at 5.15 by a +_ similar route. Collected  by sweeping, & , in Hare area as follows -
1. In lane (old road) & on boggy area (a few only in last) 12 noon till 1:30 PM 700 to 1000 feet alt. Dry & fairly warm, but dull 
2.Heather moor in NW slope of Sorrel Hill, 1500 to 1800 feet, 2.30 - 4.30 PM. Wet drip to quite heavy rain, with fine  spele & some sun later, but windy & mainly too wet to sweep.
3. Lane where left car, i.e. west side of the triangle of roads at Woodend, where often collected before 5.15-5.40. Alt. ca. 670 feet. Fine but vegitation wettish!

Transcription Notes:
♀︎♀︎ ♂︎ ♂︎♂︎