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 | | Coins, &c. | Ores &c. | Total
1859 | Bro't up | 6535.00 | 1672.00 | 8207.00
Sept 14 | Native lump of gold from California, $353.00; ounce of native gold grains from Kansas, $16.00; sunds. 2.00 | ..... | 371.00 | 371.00
Oct 14 | Golden images from the graves of Chiriqui, Panama | 42.43 | ...... | 42.43
Decr 13 | Native gold grains, Canada, one ounce, $18.20; model of Dewey diamond, & specimen of flexible sandstone, $10.00; Sundry coins 11.80 | 11.80 | 28.20 | 40.00

March 19 | U.S. Coins of 1860, ^[[Bechtler $5]] [[strikethrough]]others[[/strikethrough]] | 48.64 | ...... | 48.64
" [[ditto for March 19]] | Crystal of native gold from California, oz. 0.82 | ..... | 15.00 | 15.00
" [[ditto for March 19]] | Artificial crystal of gold from Melter & Refiner, oz. 1.30 965 fine ...... | ..... | 25.93 | 25.93
Sept 1 | Three platinum-filled eagles; paid 5.00, 5.75, 6.25, (value of gold and platinum) | 17.00 | ..... | 17.00
" [[ditto for Sept 1]] | Ten-dollar piece, Pike's Peak | 10.00 | ..... | 10.00
" [[ditto for Sept 1]] | Half ounce of gold grains from Utah; first specimen | ..... | 8.75 | 8.75
" [[ditto for Sept 1]] | States of Antiochus IX. | 6.00 | | 6.00
" [[ditto for Sept 1]] | Drachm of Alex. Balas | 1.00 | | 1.00
" [[ditto for Sept 1]] | Do. [[ditto for Drachm]] of Ariarathes, Cappadocia | 1.00 | | 1.00
        | ------- | ------- | ------- 
Forward | 6672.87 | 2120.88 | 8793.75