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1893 |         | Coins. | Ores. | Totals.
     | Forward | 12,777.95 | 2,664.54 | $15,442.49
July 24 | Copper { 3 Copecks. 1893 | | |
 | " [[ditto for Copper]] { 2 " " [[ditto for Copecks. 1893]] | | |
 | " [[ditto for Copper]] { 1 " " [[ditto for Copecks. 1893]] | | |
 | " [[ditto for Copper]] { 1/2 " " [[ditto for Copecks. 1893]] | [[line]] | |
 | " [[ditto for Copper]] { 1/4 " " [[ditto for Copecks. 1893]] | $14.70 | | 14.70

Dec. 1. | Received from Scott Stamp & Coin Co. | | |
 | Coins. | | |
 | { England's New Coinage. (6 ps.) | 4.50 | | 
 | { German East African. (4 " [[ditto for ps.]]) | 1.75 | | 
 | { South African Republic. (7 " [[ditto for ps.]]) | 8.00 | | 14.25
 | Medals. | | | 
 | { Ahlborn AE. | 2.25 | | 
 | { Genoa " [[ditto for AE.]] large | 3.00 | | 
 | { " " [[ditto for Genoa AE.]] small | .30 | | 
 | { Massonet " [[ditto for AE.]] | 1.70 | | 
 | { Nuremburg Columbus, AE. | .50 | | 
 | { Old Sugar House, " [[ditto for AE.]] | 1.00 | | 
 | { Henry W. Beecher, " [[ditto for AE.]] | .75 | | 
 | { John Ericsson, " [[ditto for AE.]] | .75 | | 10.25
 | | [[line]] | | 
 | | 12,817.15 | | 
 | | [[erased numbers]] | | [[erased numbers]]
 | | [[line]] | | [[line]]
 | | | | $15,481.69