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1894 |          | Coins. | Ores. | Total.
     | Brot up. | $13,017.45 | $2,664.54 | $15,681.99
June 14 | A pavillion of Edward the Black Prince, Gold. | 32.00 | | 
 | Gold Coin of Hooerkes Indo-Scythian. } | 7.00 | | 
 | Do. [[ditto for Gold Coin]] Bazodeo do. [[ditto for Indo-Scythian.]] | 7.00 | | 
 | 20 Crowns. Austria. 1892 | 4.75 | | 50.75

July 20 | A four ducat piece (gold) of Ferdinand & Isabella of Spain } | 25.00 | | 25.00

Nov. 5 | A Venetian Silver Ducat of Paul Rainer | 3.25 | | 3.25

Nov. 30 | Aluminum Columbian Medal. | .85 | | .85

Dec. 13 | A Copper daler (plate) of Sweden, 1741. 5 1/2 by 4 1/2 in. | 4.00 | | 4.00

1895 | | | |
Feb. 11 | A full set of the United States proof Coins of 1895. (10 pieces) Face Value. | 39.41 | | 39.41

March 30 | 4 Silver coins of Abyssinia Menolik, 2, 4, 8 & 16 Guerche. 1894 | 3.50 | | 3.50

Transcription Notes:
1894 March 30: The Abyssinian ruler in 1894 was Menelik II, Emperor of Ethiopia, but transcribed as written.