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     |   | Coins.     | Ores.     | Totals
1902 | Totals Brought forward | $16,258.95 | $2,676.10 | $18,935.05
     | [[line]]   | [[line]]   | [[line]]  | [[line]]
     |    |       |      |
 No. | Messrs Chapman bill Contin. | 55.75 |  |
 18  | - Strasburg. Early groat. | 1.00 | |
 19  | - Metz. Theodore- | 1.00 | |
 20  | - Sicily. Fred. Testoon | 1.50 | |
 21  | 1679. JO Annes. Count De Montfort, France. | 2.00 | |
 22  | 1471 + Duchy of Ferrara, Hercules Duke. | 3.50 | |
 23  | 1494 + Montserrat- Wm II. Testoon | 2.00 | |
 24  | 1524 + [[superscript]]7[[/superscript]]31- Lorraine. Antoine. Testoon | 4.00 | |
 25  | 1557- [[superscript]]7[[/superscript]]74- Etruria. Cosmo I. Testoon | 2.50 | |
 26  | Naples. Chas V. Testoon | .75 | |
 28  | 1796. Milan. Francis II. 30 Soldi. | .75 | |
 27  | Milan. Ludivicus. Testoon | 4.00 | |
 29  | Anno IX. Cisalpine Republic. 3 Soldi. | .75 | |
 30  | 1567. Gotha. Beseigen Necessity Crown. | 3.00 | |
 31- | 1834. Anhalt. Alex. Chas. G.Duke. Thaler | 1.25 | |
 32- | 1869. Anhalt. Leopold Fredk " [[ditto for Thaler]] | 1.00 | |
 33  | 1837 - Bavaria. 3 & 1/2 Gulden [[strikeout]]"[[/strikeout]] | 2.25 | |
 34  | 1848 - Frankfort. Thaler | 1.25 | |
 35  | 1855 - Frankfort. 3 Centennial &c. " [[ditto for Thaler]]| 1.30 | |
 35a | 1860 - Nassau. Adolph. Thaler | 1.00 | |
 36- | 1819 - Hesse. 1/2 Thaler | .40 | |
 37- | 1838 - Hesse. Louis. Thaler | 1.00 | |
 38- | 1858 - Hesse. Fredk. Wm. I. Thaler | 1.00 | |
 39- | 1860 - Hesse. Ferdd. Thaler | 1.00 | |
 40- | 1869 - Hesse. Louis III. Thaler | 1.00 | |
 41- | 1864 - Mechlenburg Schwerin, " [[ditto for Thaler]] | 1.00 | |
[[line]] | | [[line]] | [[line]] | [[line]]
| Carried up | 95.95 | |