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| | Coins $16,528.50 | Minerals $2,676.10 |
1902 | | | |
 No. | Bought of S.H.&H. Chapman, Jany 14. 1903. | | |
 9- | Austria. Joseph I. Double Crown. Ex. fine  | 7.00 | |
 22- | Russia. Nicholas II. 5 Roubles. Gold. 1898 | 3.50 | |
 23- | France. Republic. 20 Francs. 1899. Gold | 5.50 | |
 24- | France. " [[ditto for Republic.]] 10 Francs,. 1900. Gold. | 2.75 | |
 25- | Servia. Alexander I. 10 Lebu. Gold. | 3.50 | |
 28- | Germany. Wm. II. 20 Mks. 1888. Gold. | 6.00 | |
 30- | Prince Henry's Medal, Silver. N.Y.N.So.y | 10.00 | |
 32  | Germany - Fredk. I. & Wm. III. 2 Marks. 1901. | 1.30 | |
 | | [[line]] | |
 | | $39.55 | |
[[double-line]] | | [[double-line]] | |
1903 | | | |
Jany 27. | One full Set of Proof Coins. Viz. | | |
" [[ditto for Jany 27.]] | 4 Gold Coins. | 37.50 | |
" [[ditto for Jany 27.]] | 4 Silver ditto [[ditto for Coins.]]- | 1.85 | |
" [[ditto for Jany 27.]] | 1 Nickel ditto [[ditto for Coins.]]- | .05 | |
" [[ditto for Jany 27.]] | 1 Copper Cent. | .01 | |
[[double-line]] | | [[double-line]] | |
 | | $39.41 | |
1903 | Bought of Mrs. B. McCall. | | |
Feby 24 | No. 815 Windsor St. Philada. | | |
 | One Composite Gold Medal of Queen Anna, Eng. Date MDCCXIII. | 10.30 | |
[[double-line]] | | [[double-line]] | |
Apr. 18 ^[[Exch]]| Two Filipinas Pesos from the Coiner | 2.00 | |
 " [[ditto for Apr. 18]] | One Gold Dollar. St. Louis Exposition "Jefferson" | 1.00 | |
 " [[ditto for Apr. 18]] | Two ditto " " [[ ditto for Gold Dollar. St. Louis Exposition]] of "McKinley" | 2.00 | |
 | | [[line]] | |
 | Gave 5 Old Mexican Dollars in Exge for same | 5.00 | |
May 11 | Two 50 S., Two 20 S. and Two 10 S., Centavos, Same types | 1.60 | |
 | | [[line]] | |
 | Paid for same two Old Mexican Dollars, 1806 1807 } | $7.60 | |
[[double-line]] | | [[double-line]] | |
 | Carried forward | Coins. $16,617.77 | Minerals. $2,676.10 |