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Statement of moneys received at sundry assay, gain on exchanges etc. - and of the

[[5 column table]]
1872 | | Specie | Currency
Decr. | 10 | Recd. from C. F. Koester of Marysville, Kansas, for a colln. of duplicate miscellaneous coins as per statement on file - | | 20.25
1873 | | | |
Feb | 17 | Recd. from C. Coiner in silver halves, $27.35, balance on a dupl. Jap obang. after giving in ex. proof sets of our coins } | 27.35 |
" [[ditto for Feb]] | " [[ditto for 17]] | Recd. from a deposit (in part) the proceeds of Japanese gold coins cut for assay, ¥ 2 concave ^[[pencil note]]The concave gold planchets named 1/29/1861?[[/pencil note]] blanks & 2 dupl. coins } | 43.00 |
Mar | 5 | Recd. from Dr Curwen, Harrisburg, $6.00 gold for a set of Siamese silver coins, intr. val. 5.20 specie } | 6.00 |
Sep | 2 | Balance recd. on exchange of coins with Master of Calcutta Mint (see Bill of March 25) | | 32.94
| | | [[line]] | [[line]]
| | | 76.35 | 53.19
[[/5 column table]]

see over