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duplicate coins, difference on exchanges, other pieces with the money

1874 |  |  |Currency

Jan | 31 | Paid for 10 dol. gold piece of Humbert, San Francisco, 1852 (rare) | 12.50
 | " [[ditto for 31]] | Doubloon of Spain 1712 (rare) | 19.50
 | " [[ditto for 31]] | 5 thaler of Baden, 1830 | 4.00
 | " [[ditto for 31]] | 10 frank of Hungary 1871 | 2.25
 | " [[ditto for 31]] | 2/3 piece of Brunswick, 1676 | 1.50
 | " [[ditto for 31]] | 3 small medals, fine silver, German | 3.75
 | " [[ditto for 31]] | Counterfeit 1/2 eagle, 850 fine, 1872 | 5.80
Feb | 5 | Four agates, & one onyx, polished, from Colorado, Montana, Lake Superior and Texas } | 9.00