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Sept 17 | From John A. French Esq. U.S.N., three copper coins of Hayti, two and one centime, 1846-50; also a Treasury Note of Hayti for two [[underline]]gourdes[[/underline]] (dollars.)

Octr 7 | From Dr. Fredk. O'Connor, of England, Denmark II skillings (base silver) 1662, and British halfpenny, bronze, 1862.

" [[ditto for Octr]] 16 | From Mr. Hess, a sixpence of George I. of England, 1723, in superior condition.

Novr 20 | From Edwd. H. Beebe, (thro' Mr. Booth) of Galena, Ills. three Roman denarii, placed in Roman II. 124, 183, 184: 
Vespasian, Cos V. Winged caduceus.
Trajan, Cos. IV. (Nerva Traj.)
Trajan, Cos. V.

Feby 4 | From Saml E. Kister, (145 N. 8th St. Philada.) a card with military buttons &c. of the Southern rebellion; [[crossout]]taking taken[[/crossout]] from a captured vessel.

April 5 | From Winslow J. Howard, of Central City, Col. a moss agate (cut & polished) from Middle Park, about 14 miles west of Denver.