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Donations &c.

1874 | 
May 16 | From Dr. F. S. Dominguez, Matanzas, Cuba, a paper dollar note of Cuba.

Oct. 6 | From Dr. W. L. Sudlum. New York. A 1/8 guilder of the United Colonies of Demerary and Essequiro, 1835.

1875 | 
March 18. | From Edwardo Greguar of Mexico.  Dollar (1737) & Quarter, (1754) Eighth, (1749) and six-tenth (1755) dollars of Mexico.

April 28 | From Thomas Steckel, of Allentown, Pa.
 | 100 Rei piece (Nickel) of Brazil. 1871. 
 | 40 " " [[ditto for Rei piece]] Copper " " [[ditto for of Brazil.]] 1875

1876 | 
Sep. 6 | From Ed- Duebring of Washington D.C.
 | 1 Dreiling of Hamburg, 1855.

Oct. 30 | From R W McLachtan. Montreal of the Canadian Antiquarian
 | Four tin Montreal Medals.

1877 | 
Jan. 16 | From Alfredo Escobar of the Spanish Centennial Commission. 5 Pesetas (2 pieces) 1875. Alfonso III.

Feb. 28 | From C. P. Chester of Chichely, England.
 | Four glass coins with Cufic inscriptions, struck by the Arab Caliph of Egypt at Cairo.
 | 5 centesimi of the Republic of Marino, Italy, 1864
 | 2 brass of Valerius Severus. A.D. 305

Transcription Notes:
1874 Oct 6: "United Colonies of Demerary and Essequiro" should be "United Colony of Demerary and Essequibo" - see, for example, - but transcribed as written. 1876 Oct 30: "Montreal of the Canadian Antiquarian" is presumably "'The Canadian Antiquarian and Numismatic Journal' published quarterly by the Numismatic and Antiquarian Society of Montreal" (as in