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1887 | 
Jan. 6 | From Theodore Frick. 3252 Chestnut St Philadelphia
 | 20 Centimes of Switzerland 1885
 | 10 do do do. [[ditto for Centimes of Switzerland 1885]]
 | 5 do. do. do. [[ditto for Centimes of Switzerland 1885]]

Jan. 20 | From George P. Pilling. S. E. Cor. 10th & Chestnut Sts. Phila.
 | Aluminum watch chains, From the residue of the ingot used by Col. Wm. Frishmuth in casting the Aluminum Apex now surmounting the cap stone of the Washington Monument.

Feb. 11. | From Mrs. R. L. Stewart, New York,
 | The original Count de Fleury, [[strikethrough]]Medal[[/strikethrough]] Silver Medal. For Stony Point.

March 7. | From Commerzienzath Vogel. Chemnitz, Saxony,
 | A large Silver Medal, of Bernhard of Sax-Weimar, Germany, 1639.

May 5 | Gustaf Berg, 227 S. 13th St. Philadelphia
 | silver.
 | 1 Krone.
 | 50- Ore
 | 25- do. [[ditto for Ore]]
 | 10- do. [[ditto for Ore]]
 | copper
 | 5 ore
 | 2 do. [[ditto for ore]]
 | 1 do. [[ditto for ore]]