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[[underline]] Korea. [[/underline]] Spiel mit Pfeilen ūm das Wild. 
80 Karten [[insertion]] 8 Farben à 9 + 1 "general" [[/insertion]] od. 60 Karten [[insertion]] 10 Farben à 6. [è/insertion]]
Rückseite Pfeilfeder. aūch die Grasbeile der Graspfüger wird mit diesen Karten ausgespielt. [[illustration: 2 arrow shafts]] 
[[insertion - right margin]] Indien Persien [[/insertion]]

[[circled letter A][[underline] China [[/underline]]] 
aūs Fang-Tang empfagen. Spiel mit Geld nūr Geld. Karten enstprechen Geldscheinen. + general. (einer. zehner. 100er 10 Tausende)
[[circled letter B]] Aūs Domino. 21 Kombination A + B= Majong [[[insertion]] --> [[underline]] nach Eūropa [[/underline]] 4 Farben plūs 21 (Domino Kombinat = Taroki Atoūts. [[insertion]] [[curly bracket]] Georke ū. Hamm Graef Vogelspiel (Tyrol) [[/curly bracket]] [[/insertion]] [[/insertion]] 

[[underline] Japan [[/underline]] Aūs Mūscheln, von denen nūr je das zūeinadergehörige Paar aūfeinander passt enstandten "Awase". (Zusammenpassen).
genji spiel (Kaiawase)  - 2 x 54 ?
[[illegible]] hyakunin isshu iti.
Fam. Hana = 12 Monate (12 x 4)
[[arrow]] und Itokagarita (48)
aus Spanien: Unsuū

[[ 4 illustrations: circled flower, rectangle, lamp?, circle?]] 

[[left side of rest of page shows domino dots]]

[[underline]] Indien [[/underline]]

[[Illustration - fish]] Fisch
[[Illustration - tortoise]] Schildkröte
[[illustration - boar]] Eber
[[illustration - lion]] Löwe 
[[illustration - flagon/jug]] Krūg [[insertion]] --> [[illustration - vase?]] [[illegible]] [[/insertion]]
[[illustration - axe]] Axt
[[illustration - bow and arrow]] Pfeil/Bogen
[[illustration - disc]] Scheibe
[[illustration - sea shell]] Mūschel [[insertion]] <-- [[illustration - type of scepter?]] [[/illustration]] 
[[illustration - sword]] Schwert # [[insertion]] <-- [[illustration - ?]] [[insertion]] -- [[illustration - ?]] [[/insertion]] [[/insertion]]

[[additional illustrations in pencil at bottom of sheet, below inked drawings, repeating some of the same images: jug, disc, sword, axe, goblet, and other unidentifiable shapes]]

Transcription Notes:
Bottom left of page shows various dots in margin, unsure on how to transcribe these @plambert78 [[these look like domino markings?]] Bottom right of page shows various drawings