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[[image-deer with antlers]] Tier 
[[image-goat manor satyr with mandolin]] Wilder Latzmann (Lattigman) Meister der Spielkarten
[[image-crane like bird]] Vogel 
[[image-large flower with heart-shaped leaves]] Blume (Akeley) XV. Jhdt
Meister der SpielKarten.
[[top right corner]] Für Tier noch ausser Elch.
Hirsch, Elefant. Einhorn,
Asse. Löwe, Katze Gemse Hirschkuh, [[strikethrough]]Panther[[/strikethrough]] Leopard. Bär. Reh.
Für Wilde: Wild. Mann u wilde Frau.
Für Blumen: Cyclame, Rose, ....., Veilchen,......, .....
Für Vögel:Uhu, Eule Storch, Kranich, Reiher, Schwalbe, Schwan, Pelikan Häher, Specht, Wiedehopf, Habicht, Pfau (?) Rabe

[[Second row]]
[[image-owl]]Vögel 23456789 UOD [[image-tiny crown]]
[[image-man]] Mensch 2. (3)456789. OU[[tiny crown]]D Meister E.S
[[image-shield, possibly family crest or coat of arms]] Wappen (Schild) 23-56789 U-D[[tiny crown]] Großes Spiel
[[image-large dog walking]] Hund 234-678 U.D

[[text in right margin]]
Meister E.S. ca 1463 (jünger) großes Spiel +1467?
48 BU. (erg.41)
Daus-9 u. 4 Fig.U.O.D.X
[[strikethrough]] Kopie von [[small drawing]][[/strikethrough]]
alle Fig. Burett, Wilde der Vogelfarbe auf Einhörner & am [unclear]di u.d. manffsft[/unclear] auf Kamelen

[[third row]]
[[image-dancing man with question mark to the side]] Wilde 
[[underline]]52[[/underline]] Bll. [[underline]]erb. 15[[/underline]]
Mek. cop. erb. 13
[[image-helmet and plume]] (1470Meckenem) Helm 4 Farb.
[[image-small fluffy flower]] Blume
AS-9 U.O.D.K
[[image- deer with antlers, smaller than first]] Tier (älter)
[[image-small flower doodle]] rb. O.U.5(a7)

[text in right margin]]
Israel v. Meckenem
nach E.S. 1471
Statt Schild=Blume
[[Strikethrough]] auf 7 way[[/strikethrough]]
auf Blumen 7 Wapp

[[fourth row]]
[[image-rabbit on its hind legs]] Hase
P.W. 5x14.=70
[[image-large flower with long curled stem]] Aklei
[[image-bird, parrot like, with long tail and curve beak]] Sittich
Telen v. Wesel 4 x 13 =[[strikethrough]]50[[/strikethrough]] 52 (-Unter) min in 2 abzügl. Tibobe
[[image-round flower with center]] Rose
[[Image-Flower facing up with short curled leaves]] Nelke

[[text in margin]]
{Niederrhein Meister P.W. u. Spiel des Telman von Wesel ca 1500
bei Telman von Wesel nur 4 Farben (es fehlt) die Rose

erh. Kopp S. Lady sograth 
nur Fragment bekannt 8 zahlKarten der Kelchfarbe
1  Karte (?) Schildfarbe.

Meister der Bandrollen in 4 verschied Ausgaben u. eine m weiterem Abdruck.
(es sind erhalten
8 Karten Kelch
1 (Karte) Schild (?))

Transcription Notes:
- 2nd image description should be "goat man or" - unsure of "manffsft"; "fsft" can mean "soft" or "meat basket" [see bottom for links] - the man in the 3rd illustration set may have been drawn to look hairy (lots of stripes) - tiny circle in light pencil above shield. Just to the right of that there is a word also in light pencil (about 5 letters long, starts with "s" and looks like he may have been trying to spell "schild" but did not finish) - flower with the long curled stem is a columbine = Akelei, but original author spelled it wrong (like it is in the transcript) - parrot-like bird is a parakeet = Sittich flower facing up should be a clove flower = nelke -unsure of tibobe - at the end there are a series of dots that could be a doodle, diagonal rising left to right, 10 dots on 1st line, and the 2nd set below the 1st four dots Put right hand notes inline with drawn images as it appears they are divided by each row I. v. Meckenem: -------------- jeni92127 FYIs - gemse = chamois (a goat-like antelope) - Cyclamen (particular type of flower) - Uhu = eagle owl soft: meat basket: