Viewing page 41 of 91

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[[image - circle made of dots divided into quadrants with lines of dots, points marking N, S, E, W and middle of circle are larger dots]]
[[image - beside circle is a rectangular prism]]
[[image - a faint rectangle with rows reaching almost to the halfway of the rectangle]]
[[image - dashed lines from the dot circle to a segmented snail shell shape]]
[[image - dashed lines from the dot circle to a rectangle divided into rows, in top left corner 8 figurines are on the first row, 8 figurines are on the second row, in bottom right corner, 8 figurines are on the last row, 8 figurines are on the row above]]
[[image - dashed line from segmented shell to a hopscotch board with "Hölle" at the bottom and "Himmel" at the top; each square between the bottom and top is numbered, 1-8]]
[[image - dashed line from segmented shell to a boardgame board that has a spiral path divided into game spaces, every ninth block is shaded in, in the middle of the game board is "63" and a drawing of a duck]]
[[image - dashed line from segmented shell to a square divided into 8 triangles]]
[[image - dashed line from divided square to a square divided a bullseye type shape]]
[[image - dashed line from rectangle with figurines to a rectangle with columns and white and black dots in some columns]]
[[image - dashed line from rectangle with columns to a rectangle with a segment on both wide edges with black dots and white dots, beside the rectangle is some sort of lever or antenna]]
[[image - dashed line from rectangle and lever to a backgammon board]][[image - one checker is beside the board]] arxrom=[[image - cone]]
[[image - dashed line from rectangle with figurines to an 8x8 grid]]
[[image - dashed line from grid to a checker board]][[image - one checker is beside the board]]
[[underneath board]] seit XIII Jhdt.[[/underneath]]

[[right side of page]]
[[image - 4 rectangular prisms]]
[[image - dashed line from 4 prisms to one rectangular prism]]
[[image - dashed line from prism to one playing die]]
[[image - dashed line from die to two dice]]
[[/right side]]

[[bottom left]]
[[image - the 6 pieces of chess, both white and black sets, underneath, a more realistic drawing of what the pieces represent in real life]]
[[line drawn from pawn piece]]1-9[[/line]]
[[underneath pieces]]
(ade Re,(Re). Cav. fanke. fur)
[[image - box left of chess pieces with 2 Kanji characters]]

[[subset box on right side of page]]
Fz Les Dames
E Draughts
V.S. Dambrett
Sp. Juego de marro, de punto adamas (1547)
Röm LATRUNCULI [[image - black circle]]
2 Arten Figuren [[image - cone]]
= Offizier u. Soldat
bei Plato:
πεσσοí abi
ägypt. Erfind. vepes.
64 Felder IL [round symbol]
in [?]
100 Felder je 20 [round symbol]

Transcription Notes: