Viewing page 67 of 91

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[[1st column]]
[[image - inside of a clam shell. A scene with two people has been either etched or painted within]]

[[image - back of the previous clam shell]]

[[image - (1st row, mahjong tile on left): picture on mahjong tile has a person (probably in formal garb) in front of what appears to be a stone altar or a mountain in the distance. These mahjong tiles are strange because the direction of the winds (N, S, E, and W) are properly in the top right corner but are incorrectly rotated 90 degrees to the right. This tile if looked at from this angle would be East (E) and there is a line under it which is probably to indicate that this is the proper angle to read that letter.]] 

[[image - (1st row, mahjong tile on right): picture on mahjong tile is of 3 main columns with quick squiggles. This is most likely a bamboo tile]]

[[image - (2nd row, mahjong tile on left): picture on mahjong tile is of a person in formal garb seated on the ground.]]

[[image - (2nd row, mahjong tile on right): picture on mahjong tile is a bunch of random squiggles. This could possibly mean that it was a character tile.]]

[[image - (3rd row, mahjong tile on right): picture on mahjong tile is of a person walking  toward left side of the tile. If this tile follows the same rotated letter feature as the first tile, this tile would be a South Wind tile. It has an "S" rotated 90 degrees that is encircled.]]

[[image - (3rd row, mahjong tile on left): picture on mahjong tile is 2 main columns of squiggles. If this tile follows the same rotated letter feature as the first tile, this tile would be a South Wind tile. It has an "S" rotated 90 degrees that is encircled.]]

[[image - (4th row, mahjong tile on left): picture on mahjong tile is of a crane with mountains in the distance and a sun in the top right corner. Traditionally, the first bamboo tiles are of a bird but this may be a different type because the tile next to it appears to be of similar mountains (indicating a series).]]

[[image - (4th row, mahjong tile on right): picture on mahjong tile is of mountains similar to those on the tile next to it.]]

[[image - (5th row, mahjong tile on left): This tile may be a picture that the author tried to strikethrough since there is a similar tile below it with heavy strikethrough marks. Bottom of the tile has a diamond with one dot within. The top of the tile has a set of 3 points descending vertically on each side. From those points are lines that descend diagonally that form a cross hatch pattern.]]

[[image - (5th row, mahjong tile on right): a dragon tile with a quickly sketched dragon on it.]]

[[image - (6th row, mahjong tile on left): This tile was a strikethrough since there is a similar tile above it. Bottom of the tile has a diamond with multiple dots within. Big crosshatched X's are above that.]]

[[image - (6th row, mahjong tile on right): This tile was a strikethrough since there are 3 big scribbled lines over what appear to be rough attempts at drawing two columns of 3 flowers each.]] 

[[image - (7th row, mahjong tile on left): The 5 circle tile. Five large circles with more circles within that form an "X" pattern.]]

[[image - (7th row, mahjong tile on right): This tile was a strikethrough with crosshatched X's all over it. There appear to be the beginnings of a sketch on the bottom but not enough to discern what the image was going to be.]]

[[image - 2 blank mahjong tiles side by side]]
[[/1st column]]

[[2nd column]]
[[in blue pen]]
[[underlined]] SPIEL[[/underlined]]
LA TOUPIADE in den Landes
S.W. Frankreich
ein "jeu de la cruche" (Kreis)
[Baskisch TUPI, TUPIN, TUPIÑ (tupin-a)
Topf, pot, marmite.
[[/in blue pen]]

[[There is a chart in pencil that was written over with the information in blue pen]]

[[written 90 degrees to the right of the previous information]]

[[column 1]]
Ham (Heidolf?)
SERAN (Molukk.)
[[underlined]]Kreiselspiel[[/underlined]] abgeplatt. Stück Holz m. zapfenartig Fortsatz ? [[arrow pointing right]] [[drawing of spinning top]]
auf d. sich Kreisel dreht
um diesen Schnur gerollt u. durch Fortschleudern Kr. in Drehung versetzt
Jeder wirft seine Kreisel nach dem des Partners u. sucht ihn zum Umfallen zu brng. (Abb.
[[horizontal line]]
Kuti - "Schnippen"
- u. Kutikiki=Spiel
m. Fruchtkernen kugelrunde Kerne aus Kai-Lima-Schote werden mit Hand geschnippt [[insert]]u. geschnippt[[/insert]]
- ohne Murmel


Berthold v. Marder
x Akroyd

[[underlined]]Petrus[[/underlined]] R Heidolphi
Bf. Mu




- Java
Dakonspiel in Indien = Tjongkati

Heinz Rabe
Rufn. Mh.

Henn Orte Bg. [[?]] 1396

Kuti Hiki 106833
mit flachen runden Hiki-Kernen
S[?] stellt seinen Kern hochkant die andern Sp. suchen ihn zu erbeuten. Unten so.
Hikam m. Zeigefinger d. rechen Hand danach schnell.

 Johannes Heydrichs
x - Luckel -

Hermann Rabe
+1475 (74 Bg z Mg)
Via Ap[?]

x 53415

Doth. Buk
[[horizontal line]]

[[rotated by 180°]]
[[number partially obscured by paper]]06
Peter Heidolf
+ ca 1481
1474 Bg v Mbg

oo MG
28 II 1476

Grete Rabe
+ Mbg nach 1499

* Butzbach
+ MG zw I IX 1486 u 1496
Bg Krämer Mbg >34 [?]
(Brüder Joh. u. Paul)


"die Dongesen)
[[/rotated by 180°]]

Transcription Notes: