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[[circled]] 3 [[/circled]]

Ceph., May 18, 1971, III

[[image - sketch of cephalopod arms]] mas o menas!

extreme (duller) version of same type of striping on back. I presume that this sort of display is threat. Perhaps in all colocoids?

No.3 always stopped, or perhaps even retreated, momentarily, in response to the Zebra by 2. As far as I could tell, it did not display back.

The usual swimming of these three animals was also interrupted from time to time by brief bursts of forward movements. Perhaps accompanied by some smooth up and down "rocking." I can't guess at the significance of this.

When the animals were seen first, they fed occasionally, shooting out the tentacles with fast "stabbing" motions. But this stopped after a few minutes. None of the members of the nucleus did any more feeding during the rest of the period that they were observed (nearly continuously for approximately 45 mins.)

Apart from feeding, I don't think that I ever saw the tentacles of any of the animals at any time.

The two individuals which were not part of the nucleus were obviously fascinated by me. One of them, no. "4", spent most of the time just hovering, looking at me, from a distance of only a few feet or yards