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[[circled]] 10 [[/circled]]

Ceph., June 11, 1971, VII   

The squid here seem to ignore both a cayuco and a (motor-driven) trading schooner passing near me. Further evidence that they cannot hear?

Naranjo Chico. Come across school of 17 more or less medium inds. (Some variation in size. Nicely graded from left to right. 

[[image - drawing of squid formation, represented by dots of increasing size in an arc]]

All in ORD.  Some with Y.

Arcadio shoots one ind.  It squirts ink when hit.  The others retreat a few feet or yards without changing color.  I.E. the sight of ink does [[underlined]] not [[/underlined]] induce maximum panic.

The eye of the species is rather peculiar.  In the dead specimen comme ça:

[[image - drawing of eye with wide pupil, labels are listed below]]
iris & pupil (pupil black, iris white or silvery).
light area, presumably eyeball covered with skin.

In live inds, the pupil is [[underlined]] much [[/underlined]] less noticeable.  Perhaps comme ça:

[[image - drawing of iris with narrow pupil]] ???

Porvenir.  Find 3 medium size squid looking at me as usual, in ORD.  Not much reaction at first.

Then 2 or perhaps all 3 of the inds. start to disp-