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[[Over line]]
[[strikethrough]]21[[/strikethrough]] HANA NO CHAYA [[vertical fish-like squiggle]] Hiwo (Tokyo = wakasagi) [[with arrow pointing to the words " Higai" in first row, third cell below]] [[illustration of tilted 6-cell, two dimensional grid with border]]

[[Start row 1]][[From left to right in row 1 with 9 cells/6 columns]] 

[[Cell 1:]]
| Illustration of tea bowl (chawan) with the word] Tee . [[written above]] | 

[[Cell 2:]]
| Illustration of flask for sake and sake cup with the word Sake [[written above]] | 

Zen-sai [[Translator's note: appetizer in both German and Japanese]]

[[Cell 3:]] 
|  Higai [oily shiner] | 
[[Cell 4:]]
Datemaki [[Translator's note: rolled omlette]]
Eierkuchen | 

[[Cell 5:]]
| uni [[Translator's note: sea urchin gonads]] |
[[Cell 6:]]
| oshitashi 
mono [[Translator's note: spinach salad with roasted sesame.]
salat | 

[[Cell 7:]]
| Ika no mura[?] zume
mit Eiüberz. [[=Eiüberzug]]
[[Illustration of what looks like a layered piece of sushi]] |
[[Cell 8:]]
| shigure ni
gekocht[[e]] Muscheln | 

[[Cell 9:]]
| Suimono [[clear soup]]

[[Illustration of a covered soup bowl made of a Japanese lacquer ware labeled wajima nuri]] wajima nuri
schw. Lack.
Tai [[Translator's note: Sea Bream]]
matsutake jibira [[Illustration of a mushroom]]
Zwiebeln intaden/ymz


[[4 columns/cells]]

[[Cell 1:]]
| [[Illustration of a fan-shaped tray with food stuffs]]
Tai no 
1971 [[With arrow to tray]]
Tsuma [[Translator's note: garnish]][[Illustrations of little two-leafed plants]][[Illustration of a small dish nearby for soy sauce?]]
sashimi [[Translator's note: raw tuna]]
Rettich [[With arrow to tray]]
Ika no 
[[Illustration of an inverted v-shape with other marks inside]] |

[[Cell 2:]]
| [[Illustration of a cover soup or rice bowl with three diagonal lines overtop the illustration]]
Fuki mit 
mayonnaisenartiger Sau. [[With arrow to plate]]
[[Illustration of a plate with two objects sitting in a puddle of sauce/dressing]]
Schw. Lack[[The two German words for black lacquer are written across the plate]]
Takenoko [[With arrow to plate]][[Translator's note: bamboo shoot]]
[[Illustration of same plate, but looking directly down upon it]] | 

[[Cell 3:]]
| [[Illustration of a covered rice or soup bowl]]
schw. & gold 
Lack. [[Written across the bowl are the three German words for black & gold lacquer?]]
Daikon | 

[[Cell 4]]
[[Illustration of square dish with designs]]
Nuta (Salat)[[Nuta is a miso and vinegar-based dressing]]
Negi. maguro, miso [[Translator's note: Allium fistulosum (Japanese bunching onion), tuna, fermented soybean paste]] |


[[Row 3 with 3 cells/columns]] 

[[Cell 1:]]
| [[Illustration of a round, flat dish with a base. Something is drawn on the plate]]
gebrat. [[=gebratener]] Hata [[broiled grouper]] |

[[Cell 2:]]
| [[Illustration of a covered soup bowl]]
Rot. [[=Roter]] Lack [[Translator's note: red lacquer]]
Kaki no 
Suimono [[Translator's note: oyster soup]] |

[[Cell 3:]]
| Hiroshima 
na [[With arrow pointing to plate]][[Translator's note: Hiroshima-na is a leaf vegetable that is famous for being pickled in Hiroshima]]
Kyōtō Kabura 
[[Illustration of a shallow, almost flat dish with two food items]]
[[Illustration of a tea bowl [[(chawan)]]]]
Tee  Reis.


[[3 rows]]

[[16 Illustrations of sashimi, sushi, and rolls]]
Sashimi [[Bracket from first two illustrations]]
Kohada   Anago   Shirauo nori [[With arrow to seaweed strip wrap]]   Unagi   Ika   Kai   Tamago [[Strikethrough]] maki [[/strikethrough]]  Norimaki   Sasamaki   Tamagomaki  同 [? "the same"] followed by unrecognizable Kanji [[possibly slightly mistaken attempt at writing 裏 as in 裏巻 (uramaki)?]]   Muschel   Awabi  


[[11 graphics reading left to right]]


[[Illustration of a tea bowl (chawan)]] Tee
[[Illustration of a sake flask and cup]] Sake
[[Illustration presumably looking directly down on the six-grid tray drawn at top of page. From left to right and top to bottom]] 
senzai [[probably mistake for "zensai"]]
| Kazu 
no ko | uni | gobō 
sanshō [[small sketch of plant]]|
sunomono | Sora 
mame | Kai no 
hashira [[Translator's note: ligament of a shellfish, usually scallops]] m. shiro
miso [w. white miso] |
[[Illustration of a covered soup bowl]] junsai [[Translator's note: Brasenia schreberi, water shield]] m. shiromiso 
grün Gemüse
[[Illustration of a vessel with a short spout and two lumps]]
kajika [[fluvial sculpin]] no Sashimi
ika " . "
[[Illustration of a lidded vessel with a longer pouring spout]] shōyū [[soy sauce]]
[[Illustration of a whole fish]]
gebrat. Tai
[[Illustration of bowl with dots around rim]] 
Takenoko no mi 
nidako no niate[?]
[[Illustration of circular dish with food on octangular mat]]
Kotoriyaki [[arrow pointing to upward right food sketch on plate]]
mabu[?] no hyōrō[?] [[arrow pointing to downwards left food sketch on plate]]
[[illustration of rectangular vessel]]
[[illustration of covered soup bowl]]
Suimono no hyōro[?]
[[illustration of [[possibly a tea]] bowl with two curved lines on body]]
weiss [[directly on bowl]]
okōko, oshinko

Transcription Notes:
Hana no chaya: Name of tea house. (Hana 花 means flower) Chaya are resting places for travelers that also can provide food. tai 鯛 sea bream hiuo 干魚 dried fish wakasagi 若鷺 Japanese smelt, pond smelt higai 鰉 oily shiner chawan 茶碗 tea bowl zensai 前菜 appetizer shirauo 白魚 Japanese icefish datemaki 伊達巻 Sweet rolled omelet oshitashimono お浸し者 (variant pronunciation of "ohitashimono") ohitashimono お浸し物 boiled greens flavored with soy ika イカ squide ika no ...zume イカの…詰め squid stuffed with shigureni 時雨煮 Wajima-nuri 輪島塗り Wajima lacquer ware tai no sashimi 鯛の刺身 raw sea bream maguro sashimi マグロ刺身 raw tuna wasabi ワサビ(山葵)Japanese horseradish tsuma つま(妻) a garnish (of shredded or sliced vegetables served with raw fish) Ika no tsukurimi イカの造り身 sliced raw squid kazu no ko 数の子 herring roe uni ウニ sea urchin gobō 午房 burdock sanshō 山椒 Japanese pepper tairagai 平貝 pen shell tairagai no sunomono 平貝の酢の物 soramame 空豆 broad beans kai no hashira 貝の柱 = kaibashira 貝柱 adductor muscle of a shell, usually scallops junsai 蓴菜 water shield takenoko no mi 筍の実 nidako 煮蛸 boiled octopus ??niate 煮当て?? kotoriyaki 小鳥焼 kōkō 香香/okōkō お香香 same as oshinko お新香 oshinko お新香 pickled vegetables fuki フキ(蕗)Japanese butterbur hata ハタ(羽太)grouper Hiroshima-na 広島菜 Kyoto Kabura 京都蕪 Kyoto turnip (”Kabura” is a Kansai-area variant of ”Kabu" 蕪) shiromiso 白味噌 white miso  kajika 鰍 Japanese sculpin