Viewing page 24 of 226

This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.

[[inside box at top]]
Yoshiwara[[/inside box at top]]

[[diagonal line]] 

[[inside box]]Yaozen[[/inside box]]

[[Left to right above double diagonal lines]]:

[[inside box]]Asakusa[[/inside box]]
[[inside box]]Kaneta[[/inside box]]
[[inside box]]Kinokuniya[[/inside box]]
[[inside box]]llhinao[[/inside box]]
[[inside box]]Yakko[[/inside box]]
[[inside box]]Umezono[[/inside box]]
[[inside circle]]Maki nichi yano[[/inside circle]]
Imado [[inside box]]Jūbako[[/inside box]] [?]

[[/Left to right above double diagonal lines]]

[[inside box]]kame sei[[/inside box]]

[[double diagonal lines]]

[[in-between double lines]]san ya bon [[/in-between double lines]]

[[Left to right below double diagonal lines]]:
[[inside box]]Yao Maku[[/inside box]]
Nime guri [[?]] [[image: Torii gate mark]]
d'ma [[? illegible scribble above]] [[image: Torii gate]]
[[inside box]]uehan[[/inside box]]
[[inside box]]Hyakkaen[[/inside box]]
[[inside box]]Irikin[[/inside box]] [[image: Torii gate mark]]
[[inside box]]Yao Matin[[/inside box]] [[?]]
sujirn [[?]]
[[inside box]] uehan[[/inside box]]
oku [[?]]
uo newahajizya [[?]]
Mokunoji [[Buddhist manji symbol]]

[[two Japanese characters in script]]

[[two Japanese characters in script, above circular seal mark, and a rectangular seal mark of kanji characters]]

歌川国貞画 Kunisada ga[[three Japanese characters in script, and gourd mark]]
Kunisada I.

[[three Japanese characters in script, above four-character square seal mark]]

Rokuji n [[? written vertically]]

[[two Japanese characters in script, above a shaped seal mark]]

[[three Japanese characters in script, above a gourd seal mark ]]

Transcription Notes:
possible map of Edo? Torii gate denotes Shinto shrine, Swastika denotes Buddhist temple. ^ Concur that the upper part of the page appears to be a street diagram of Edo - Shin Yoshiwara (New Yoshiwara was the red-light district); and the Hyakkaen is a garden constructed during the Edo Period. I am quite sure this matches up to a section of modern day Sumida City, Tokyo - and that the diagonal lines denote the Sumida River between local prefecture roads 306 and 319. The bottom half are mostly sktches of signatures/seals/chopmarks of woodblock print ukiyo-e artists. I used a lot of double brackets to denote all of the boxed-in text. Not sure how else to indicate this?