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September 26, 1958

Dear Cesar:

Do have my thanks for your so very kind letter of September 23rd, and let me say I appreciate the promptness with which you answered me. By same mail as per your recommendation, I am sending to the photograph of myeDegas drawing to Mr. Lemoisne, in care of H. Brame, and am counting upon you, as you suggest, to forward it to him. 

As to the Goldschmidt Auction, I do not know to what "rumeurs contradictoires" you are referring, as I have been out of touch for quite a while with th the art world. From what I heard some time ago, snd from what Mr. Goldschmidt, Jr., had told me himself, they should reach absolutely crazy prices--prices thabeat all prices -- but as you know I am completely out of the running for such paintings nowadays. 

With renewed thanks and kinder thoughts,

Cordially yours,

Germain Seligman

Mr. Cesar M. de Hauke
14 rue du Cherche-Midi
Paris (VI), France