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September 18, 1958

Dear Cesar,

When I was in Paris a little while ago, you had not yet come back I gathered, from your summer vacation and I was sorry not to have had an opportunity of seeing you and thus too, returning your very nice call of last season.

However, I have now another reason to communicate with you, namely, the purchase I have just made of a drawing by Degas of which I am sending you herein a photography, as I understand that you are about to publish another volume on this artist's graphic arts.  I am told it came from the Loncle Paris collection and in fact you might already be in possession of a reproduction of it.

On the back you will find its measurements in centimeters and you will notice that on the verso (you can see it by transparency) it bears the stamp of "Atelier Ed Degas".  According to my recollection, and it concurs with the information you published, at the time of Degas' death the works of art which were to be included in a fifth sale were stamped "Atelier Ed Degas".  However I think it was Andre Schoeller who apprised me that after the fourth auction, the family having been overwhelmed with the success of the first four auctions, rescinded the instructions previously given for a fifth auction and decided to distribute among themselves the remaining works of art.  Be this as it may, it is a charming though slight drawing and you will sense that on the right where the landscape is , the artist had first drawn a small head of a jockey which is still visible. 

Should you have set an approximate date for the publication of this next volume I would of course be glad to hear about it as additional reference.

I assume that after yourextensive trip through the United States you have had a corresponding rest, and with all good wishes and best regards,

Cordially yours,

Germain Seligman

Mr. C.M. de Hauke
14 rue du Cherche-Midi
Paris VI, France

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